VDBP Response Codes and Descriptions

Benefit File, Card Account and Card Product Status Codes and Descriptions

Response Code Sub-Response Code HTTP Status Code Status Code Description
00 00 200 Success, A matching package is returned.
01 00 401 Unauthorized to access this query. Contact your system administrator to request access
02 00 500 Failed due to Internal Server Exception
03 00 400 CLIENT-USER-ID is missing
05 00 400 X-CORRELATION-ID header is missing or invalid (non-alphanumeric or too long)
06 00 400 CLIENT-APPLICATION-ID is missing
10 00 400 Invalid primary account number cannot contain non-numeric characters
11 00 404 Could not find account for the primary account number and as of date
12 00 400 asOfDate must be within 2009-01-01 and 9999-12-31
13 00 400 Invalid Account Number (must be between 16-21 digits in length)
14 00 404 System temporarily unavailable, please try again later
15 00 400 The property passed is not a valid level
16 00 400 benefitId is missing
17 00 400 The request format provided is not valid
18 00 401 Primary account number region does not match user region
19 00 404 Could not find portfolio-package for the given details
20 00 404 The product type for this requested Card was not found
21 00 415 Content type is not supported
22 00 400 This request cannot be served by VFS because the data is migrated
23 00 404 For CardProduct or BenefitFile, a BenefitException occurred – logs need to be inspected for more details
24 00 404 For BenefitFiles api, benefitId is not found for the given asOfDate and/or benefitId from the request
25 00 404 For BenefitFiles api, benefit file is not found for the given asOfDate and/or benefitId from the request
26 00 404 UnexpectedRollbackException
27 00 400 requestValue array does not contain a valid integer
28 00 404 UncheckedIOException
29 00 404 Unique or valid data could not be found for the input param
30 00 404 Benefit ID from request does not match any of the benefits in list of PackageBenefitCoverageDTO
31 00 404 Language from request does not match the fetched package, or default language missing from package or benefit
33 00 404 Exception while fetching benefitTags
00 01 200 The product type for this primary account number was not found
00 02 200 This product is not supported in Visa Digital Benefits Platform.
00 03 200 Could not find package for the given details
00 04 200 No issuer package found. Returning the product type and issuer contact information.
00 11 200 BIN is not associated with an issuer.
00 14 200 Success but input Primary Account Number is not a valid Mod10 Card Number.
00 16 200 Primary account number region does not match user region
00 18 200 Displaying Issuer's default product construct for the product.
00 19 200 Displaying Country's default product construct for the product
00 20 200 Displaying Region's default product construct for the product
00 22 200 Multiple Bin Found
00 23 200 An exception was encountered while putting together the response.
00 24 200 For CardAccount benefitDetails flow, Benefit ID from the request is not found or is not active for the asOfDate from the request
00 25 200 Error fetching issuer data asynchronously
00 26 200  
00 27 200 Success, A matching package is returned.

Flex Choice Status Codes and Descriptions

Flex Choice Register

Response Code Sub-Response Code HTTP Status Code Status Code Description
  00 200 Success
80 02 400  [registrationDate: must not be null, primaryAccountNumber: must not be null]
80 02 400 [primaryAccountNumber: size must be between 16 and 21]
80 02 400 [registrationDate: must not be empty]
80 02 400 [primaryAccountNumber: must not be null]
80 02 400 [registrationDate: must not be null]
80 02 400 [primaryAccountNumber: must match \"^[0-9]*\"]
80 02 400  
90 12 400 Selection Not Available for PAN
90 12 400 Selection Not Available for PAN
100 01 403 Client user id not found
40 01 409 Previous registration found for account
40 01 409 Previous registration found for account
40 01 409 Previous registration found for account
40 01 409 Previous registration found for account
40 01 409 [registrationDate: must not be in future]

Flex Choice Persist

Response Code Sub-Response Code HTTP Status Code Status Code Description
80 02 400 Required request header 'X-CORRELATION-ID' for method parameter type String is not present
30 16 400 Language code entered is wrong
100 01 403 Client user id not found
30 09 404 Registration not found for account
90 11 404 No selections can be made at this time
10 02 400 Please provide only one template: Group, List or Bundle.
30 06 400 Group ID not found.
30 05 400 Selected benefits are more than allowed.
30 04 400 Selected benefits are less than mandatory.
30 10 400 Benefits cannot be selected more than one time
30 11 400 Groups cannot be selected more than once within the same selection
00 00 200 Success
20 01 400 Cannot override same day choices
40 05 400 Additional cost must be provided when there are additional benefits
80 02 400 Missing parameters.
30 06 400 One or more groups cannot be selected.
30 06 400 One or more groups cannot be selected.

VDP Error Codes