How to Use Visa Digital Benefits Platform


Visa Digital Benefits Platform (VDBP) is a turnkey solution benefits management platform with digital APIs to facilitate cardholder servicing while delivering differentiated benefits experience at the card level.

VDBP facilitates Cardholder communication through a white-labeled web portal and provides Benefits APIs that can be used by Issuers to integrate Benefits into their existing frontend channels such as an internet banking or mobile app.

Additionally, VDBP can support Issuers who have already combined a series of Benefits into a Card value proposition, as well as Issuers who want to build something new. For Issuers building a new Card value proposition, VDBP can provide Benefits configuration functionality that can streamline the process.

The below provides the steps involved in gaining access to VDBP APIs:

  1. Engagement with Visa: Reach out to your Visa Representative or to the global product team to learn more about the application, its roadmap, and to discuss use cases. Create an internal project plan.
  2. Register and Create a Project: Register on the VDP website and create a new project. Choose the APIs you want to use in your project.
  3. Testing in the Sandbox: Use the Sandbox environment for development and testing. This is a simulated environment where you can make API calls without executing real transactions. 
  4. Application Design: Develop your integration in concert with Visa to ensure all standards are met and the final version meets stakeholder needs.
  5. API Validation: Validate your integration with the chosen APIs. This step may include contract testing to ensure your requests and responses align with the API specifications.
  6. Promotion to Certification: After successful testing in the sandbox, request for promotion to the certification environment. This is a pre-production environment where you will conduct end-to-end testing.
  7. Certification Testing: Conduct end-to-end testing in the certification environment. This will involve executing test cases provided by Visa and validating the integration with your systems.
  8. Agreement Execution: Finalize and execute any remaining documentation to move to production.
  9. Going Live in Production: After successful testing and validation, go through the “going live” process which includes security review, readiness assessment, and final approval from Visa. Once approved, your project will be moved to the production environment for live transactions.
  10. Monitoring and Support: After your project goes live, monitor its performance, and resolve any issues that arise. VDP provides support through its community forum and direct support channels. Global product also provides support through a mailbox.