Keep Your Card Top-of-Wallet
Issuer enables the Visa card to be securely and conveniently used in digital wallets in order to keep the card top-of-wallet and remove the need to re-issue a card when a device with a digital wallet is lost.
Today, many cardholders enjoy the convenience of being able to purchase goods and services through digital wallets. Visa Token Service Provisioning and Credential Management APIs allow the issuer to confidently enable their cardholders to transact through digital wallets. When a consumer’s Visa card is tokenized, it means that actual account information is not stored or transmitted during a transaction, which limits exposure to fraud. Support of digital payment methods like the use of digital wallets drives both card engagement and preference with issuer cardholders.
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Regional Availability

Improve protection against misuse
One of the great advantages of tokenization is that payment tokens provide improved protection against misuse because they can be limited to use in a specific domain, device, or channel. Since the token is limited to a domain such as a mobile wallet, if that domain is compromised (the device is lost, for example), the token can be deactivated while the original Visa card number (the PAN) can still be used elsewhere. With the Visa Token Service Provisioning and Credential Management APIs, the issuer can suspend, resume or deactivate a token when needed.
Refer to Visa Token Service Provisioning and Credential Management APIs for more details.
Lost digital wallet scenario
Jolene just got a new smartphone and wants to set up her digital wallet so that she can use her Visa card for contactless payments. She enters in her credit card information, receives an email with a verification code, and when she’s completed the setup, her Visa card is now ready to use for purchases. Jolene uses her Visa card via the digital wallet on her smart phone to pay for everything from coffee to groceries.
One day, Jolene accidentally leaves her new phone in a ride sharing car. She is concerned that someone will find her phone and start charging items using her Visa card. Jolene contacts her issuer and tells them that her phone is lost. The issuer suspends the token on her phone. Jolene is relieved. Later the same day, she decides to go to a movie where she uses the same Visa card to pay for a movie and some popcorn. The card is still active since only the token specific to her phone’s digital wallet needed to be shutoff. She can continue to use her Visa card as usual, without the hassle of it needing to be de-activated and waiting for a new card to be issued. The next day, Jolene is happy to learn that her phone has been found! Once it’s back in her possession, she lets her issuer know, the token is turned back on and she can continue to use her digital wallet as she’s come to love.

Set Card
Jolene sets up her card in the digital wallet via a secure system requiring a verification code. Once the setup is complete, her Visa card is now ready to use for purchases.

Make Purchase
Jolene uses the card via the digital wallet for a purchase.

Phone Lost
Jolene loses her phone and contacts her issuer.

Suspend Token
Issuer suspends the token associated with her digital wallet on that phone.

Use Card
Jolene goes to a movie and uses her Visa card (the same one associated with the token on the wallet) and is unaffected by the fact that the token on the phone was suspended.

Phone Found
Jolene finds her phone and contacts her issuer.

Activate Token
Issuer makes the token active again.

Make Purchase
Jolene buys something with her Visa card on the mobile wallet on her phone.
Key Benefits for Issuers
Reduce risk and fraud
Minimize fraud exposure by letting cardholders turn their card off if lost or stolen.
Reduce costs
Limit your need for costly reissuance of a card since a token on a lost device can be easily suspended.
Keep your card top-of-wallet
Keep your card top-of-wallet since it’s usable more ways (digital wallets, etc).
Key Benefits for Cardholders
Easy cardholder setup
Minimize fraud exposure by letting cardholders turn their card off if lost or stolen.
Give cardholders more confidence
Give cardholders more confidence when making purchases with a digital wallet.
Added convenience for cardholders
Added convenience for cardholders since they can still use their Visa card, even when a token has been suspended.
APIs Used
Check Eligibility
During the token provisioning flow on a device, Visa will invoke this API call to the issuer with ID&V and other relevant attributes. This service allows issuers to: Pre-screen the cardholder who is about to start provisioning of tokens to a digital wallet. Provide reference to Card Art and Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) for a specific cardholder PAN. Deliver Token Reference ID that can be used by the issuers in subsequent calls to Visa, for example, in Token Lifecycle control APIs, instead of using the token value. The three functions of the API described above are optional; the issuer may opt to participate in this API integration for a subset of the described functions. Because participation in this API is optional, the issuer may decide to provide all required information to Visa so that Visa can perform On-Behalf processing.
Approve Provisioning
During the token provisioning flow on a device, Visa will invoke this API call to the issuer with ID&V attributes and other relevant attributes so that the issuer can take appropriate action, such as approve, decline, or step-up, based on those attributes to provision the token.
Get Cardholder Verification Methods
During the token provisioning flow, Visa will invoke this API that allows the issuer to provide supported methods of cardholder step-up authentication, for example, tenured data (cardholder email, phone number) for delivering One-Time-Password (OTP).
Send Passcode
During the token provisioning flow, Visa will invoke this API to deliver the OTP to the destination selected by the cardholder, such as an email address, via the issuer.
Token Inquiry
Enables the issuer to retrieve token details for a particular token, including device and risk information.
Token Inquiry By PAN
Enables the issuer to retrieve a list of tokens for a PAN.
Token Lifecycle
Enables the issuer to activate, resume, suspend or delete the token.
PAN Lifecycle
Enables the issuer to update PAN and PAN expiration date. It also enables to perform VAU updates.
Token Create Notification
When a token is successfully created on a device during the token provisioning flow, then Visa will invoke this notification to the issuer with the appropriate token data.
Token Notification
Visa will invoke this notification to the issuer whenever a token status is changed by the issuer.