Text Alternatives (VIS-WEB-005)

Provide proper alternative text and robust access to various image types

Images and other non-text content must have accurate alternative text applied to them that provides equivalent information, context, and purpose to the user.

An example is an image of a product on an ecommerce site. If the image alternative text is something like “image001.jpg” the non-sighted user has no concept of what the image presents. However, if the alternative text describes the product color, size, or other features it becomes useful for the non-sighted user and allows the user to gather the same information a sighted user can from the page.


Text Alternatives (VIS-WEB-005-01)

All non-text content MUST provide text alternatives that provide equivalent information, context, and purpose to the user using the following techniques (as applicable):

  • For 'img' elements, provide the text alternative using the alt attribute
  • For other non-text content (i.e. role="img"), aria-label/labelledby, or visibly hidden text
<img src="images/img.png" alt="A painting by Salvador 
Dali.  Clocks are melting and elephants have long skinny legs." />

Decorative Images (VIS-WEB-005-02)

All non-text content that is decorative, provides no contextual value, or is already defined by surrounding content MUST be hidden from Screen Reader users using the following techniques (as applicable):

  • For img, provide alt="" (alt null)
  • For role="img", aria-hidden="true"

Test Procedures

Web Dev Toolbar > Images (VIS-WEB-005-01-T)

On the Web Developer Toolbar, choose:

  • Images > Hide Background Images
  • Images > Outline Images > Outline All Images
  • Images > Display Alt Attributes

Confirm that all non-text content provides text alternatives that provide equivalent information, context, and purpose to the user.
Note: given the variety of possible situations, testers may need to investigate further than the above steps allow (e.g. using Firebug).

Web Dev Toolbar > Images (VIS-WEB-005-02-T)

Confirm that all non-text content that is decorative, provides no contextual value, or is already defined by surrounding text is hidden from the user using the following techniques (as applicable):

  • For , provide alt="" (alt null)
  • For role="img", aria-hidden="true"

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Common Failures

These materials and steps outlined on this website are provided “AS IS” and are intended for illustrative purposes only. They should not be relied upon for marketing, legal, tax, financial, regulatory or other advice. You are responsible for the legal aspects of any implementation of the concepts illustrated herein. Further, Visa neither makes any warranty or representation as to the completeness or accuracy of this information, nor assumes any liability or responsibility that may result from reliance on such information.  You should not act or rely on such content without seeking the advice of a professional.  All brand names, logos and/or trademarks are the property of their respective owners, are used for identification purposes only, and do not necessarily imply product endorsement or affiliation with Visa.