The tables in the sections below list the possible error codes for each of the B2B Virtual Account Payment Method APIs. The codes are listed by web service and the tables are separated by API. Refer to the documentation page for more information.
The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Account Management APIs. These include:
Error Code | Error Description |
V005 | Message ID is required. |
V006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
V002 | Message ID is not unique. |
V008 | Client ID is required. |
V72904 | Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
V003 | Client ID is invalid. |
V011 | Buyer ID is required. |
V012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
V004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
V071 | Account number is invalid. |
V516 | Account number you have provided is invalid. |
V72928 | Proxy Pool ID is mandatory. |
V72927 | Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19 digits. |
V72801 | Proxy Pool ID you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72802 | The first character of the Proxy Pool ID you have provided is invalid. |
V72803 | The second character of the Proxy Pool ID you have provided is invalid. |
V12586 | The second character should be a digit from 1 to 9. |
V72806 | First name cannot be more than 60 characters. |
V72805 | First name you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72891 | First name is mandatory. |
V72808 | Last name can not be more than 60 characters. |
V72807 | Last name you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72892 | Last name is mandatory. |
V72809 | Employee ID contains invalid characters. |
V72810 | Employee ID cannot be more than 10 characters. |
V72893 | Employee ID is mandatory. |
V72813 | Company Admin Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters. |
V72814 | Company Email ID you have provided is invalid. |
V72896 | Company Admin Email ID is mandatory. |
V72811 | Email ID can not be more than 128 characters. |
V72812 | Email ID you have provided is invalid. |
V72895 | Email ID is mandatory. |
V72815 | Cost center you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72816 | Cost center can not be more than 50 characters. |
V72817 | GL you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72818 | GL can not be more than 76 characters. |
V72819 | Address Line 1 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72820 | Address Line 1 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72821 | Address Line 2 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72822 | Address Line 2 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72823 | City you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72824 | City cannot be more than 60 characters. |
V72825 | State you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72826 | State can not be more than 12 characters. |
V72827 | Postal code you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72828 | Postal code can not be more than 14 characters. |
V72829 | Country code you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72830 | Country code cannot be more than 5 characters. |
V72924 | State code is invalid. |
V72929 | Country code is mandatory. |
V72831 | Optional Field 1 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72832 | Optional Field 1 cannot be more than 100 characters. |
V72832 | Optional Field 2 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72833 | Optional Field 2 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72834 | Optional Field 3 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72835 | Optional Field 3 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72836 | Optional Field 4 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72837 | Optional Field 4 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72838 | Optional Field 5 you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72839 | Optional Field 5 can not be more than 100 characters. |
V72913 | At least one RequisitionDetail is mandatory. |
V72847 | Time zone can not be more than 12 characters. |
V72848 | Time zone you have provided contains invalid characters. |
V72898 | Time zone should start with UTC. |
V72922 | Time zone format is invalid. Valid formats include: UTC - 8, UTC + 06:30, UTC + 5:30, UTC+04. |
V72897 | Time zone is mandatory. |
V72841 | Start date can not be more than 10 characters. |
V72842 | Start date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
V72844 | End date cannot be more than 10 characters. |
V72845 | End date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
V72846 | End date should not be in the past. |
V72916 | End date should not be less than start date. |
V72894 | End date is mandatory. |
V72932 | Rule code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code. |
V72849 | Rule code <Rule code sent in the request> is not valid. |
V72931 | Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code. |
V72850 | Sequence is mandatory for all rules. Provide a valid sequence for the rule. <Rule code for which the sequence is empty> |
V72919 | Sequence number should be within the 0 to 999 range. |
V72852 | Override code cannot be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule> |
V72933 | Override code is mandatory for all rules with overrides. Provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for which the Override code is empty> |
V72855 | Override value provided for the rule <Rule code for which the override value is invalid> contains invalid characters. |
V72856 | Override value can not be more than 8 characters. Please provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule> |
V72934 | Override value is mandatory for all rules with overrides. Provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for which the override value is empty> |
V025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
V72918 | Country code entered is not a valid ISO-3 Alpha Country Code. |
V72858 | The start date and end dates you have provided should not overlap. |
V72900 | Buyer is not subscribed for VVAM. |
V72804 | Proxy Pool ID you have provided is not yet setup. |
V72906 | Only one period is allowed for single use cards. |
V72861 | No card accounts are available in the proxy pool sent in the request. |
V72911 | Account number is not present in system. |
V016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
V12674 | Requested rule parent value sequence is invalid. |
V12675 | Incorrect format of min/max values in MCCB or MCCX. |
V12676 | Override value provided exceeds the allowed limit (length). |
V12677 | Rules could not be set on the card due to system error. Please try again shortly. |
V12678 | Currency code provided is invalid or not specified. |
V12679 | Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified. |
V12680 | The card number provided is not associated with your financial institution. |
V12681 | Amount Value is invalid or not specified. |
V12682 | Override Code or ParentOverrideCode is incorrect. |
V12683 | Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified. |
V12684 | minValue is invalid or not specified |
V12685 | Tolerance Rule contains invalid min/max amount values. |
V12686 | This card number is currently enrolled for controls. Please use refresh or update if you intend to update details. |
V12687 | Invalid SPV rule. Max Auth value is invalid or not specified. |
V12688 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is invalid or not specified. |
V12689 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is only allowed for range type 1. |
V12690 | Jurisdiction Merchant Country is invalid or not specified. |
V12691 | Amount Currency Code is invalid or not specified. |
V12692 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day and date ranges are not allowed for weekly range type. |
V12693 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day, day of the week and date ranges are not allowed for daily range type. |
V12696 | Invalid SPV rule. Timezone is not supported for SPV. |
V12697 | Duplicate Rules request is not allowed. |
V12698 | The funding account associated with this proxy has already expired. Please update the expiration date. |
Error Code | Error Description |
M005 | Message ID is required. |
M006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
M002 | Message ID is not unique. |
M008 | Client ID is required. |
M72904 | Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
M003 | Client ID is invalid. |
M011 | Buyer ID is required. |
M012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
M004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
M72909 | Account number is mandatory. |
M72910 | Luhn Check failed for the account number. |
M071 | Account number is invalid. |
M516 | Account number you have provided is invalid. |
M573 | Source field should be less than 10 characters. |
M72896 | Company Admin Email ID is mandatory. |
M72813 | Company Admin Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters. |
M72814 | Company Email ID you have provided is invalid. |
M72895 | Email ID is mandatory. |
M72811 | Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters. |
M72812 | Email ID you have provided is invalid. |
M72847 | Time zone cannot be more than 12 characters. |
M72848 | Time zone you have provided contains invalid characters. |
M72898 | Time zone should start with UTC. |
M72922 | Time zone format is invalid. Valid formats include: UTC - 8, UTC + 06:30, UTC + 5:30, UTC+04 |
M72897 | Time zone is mandatory. |
M72840 | Start date you have provided contains invalid characters. |
M72841 | Start date cannot be more than 10 characters. |
M72842 | Start date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. |
M72843 | End date you have provided contains invalid characters. |
M72844 | End date can not be more than 10 characters. |
M72845 | End Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. |
M72846 | End date should not be in the past. |
M72916 | End date should not be less than start date. |
M72894 | End date is mandatory. |
M72907 | Action is mandatory. |
M72862 | Action value sent in the request is invalid. |
M72932 | Rule code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code. |
M72849 | Rule code <Rule code sent in the request> is not valid. |
M72931 | Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code. |
M72850 | Sequence is mandatory for all rules. Provide a valid sequence for the rule. <Rule code for which the sequence is empty> |
M72919 | Sequence number should be within 0 to 999 range. |
M72851 | Override code provided for the rule <Rule code for which the override code is invalid> contains invalid characters. |
M72852 | Override code can not be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule> |
M72933 | Override code is mandatory for all rules with overrides. Provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for which the override code is empty> |
M72855 | Override value provided for the rule <Rule code for which the over ride value is invalid> contains invalid characters. |
M72856 | Override value can not be more than 8 characters. Please provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule> |
M72934 | Override value is mandatory for all rules with overrides. Provide a valid override value for the rule <Rule code for which the override value is empty> |
M025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
M72906 | Only one period is allowed for single use cards. |
M72905 | Date range and rule code of the request is overlapping with data available in system. |
M72912 | No records found in database for the requested operation. |
M72902 | Refresh action should not be followed by any other action. |
M016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
M12658 | MCG rule action can only be set to Allow or Block. |
M12659 | Allow Card Acceptor (CAID) and Block Card Acceptor (CAIDB) cannot be set together on an account. |
M12660 | Allow Merchant Category (MCCX) and Block Merchant Category (MCCB) cannot be set together on an account. |
M12661 | Block Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account. |
M12662 | Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account. |
M12663 | Allow State-level transaction restrictions (DOM) and Block State-level transaction restrictions (DOMB) cannot be set together on an account. |
M12664 | Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCB rule cannot be set together on an account. |
M12665 | NOTFUEL cannot be set with MCCB or MCCX. |
M12666 | Allow/Block Merchant Category Group rule/s cannot be set with NOTFUEL. |
M12667 | You must select either to block or allow countries. You cannot do both. |
M12668 | mccRanges are overlapped for MCCB control. |
M12669 | mccRanges are overlapped for MCCX control. |
M12670 | CAID Value is invalid or not specific. |
M12671 | Min MCC is invalid or not specified. |
M12672 | Max MCC is invalid or not specified. |
M12673 | Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value. |
M12674 | Requested rule parent value sequence is invalid. |
M12675 | Incorrect format of min/max values in MCCB or MCCX. |
M12676 | Override value provided exceeds the allowed limit (length). |
M12677 | Rules could not be set on the card due to system error. Please try again shortly. |
M12678 | Currency code provided is invalid or not specified. |
M12679 | Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified. |
M12680 | The card number provided is not associated with your financial institution. |
M12681 | Amount Value is invalid or not specified. |
M12682 | Override Code or ParentOverrideCode is incorrect. |
M12683 | Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified. |
M12684 | minValue is invalid or not specified |
M12685 | Tolerance Rule contains invalid min/max amount values. |
M12686 | This card number is currently enrolled for controls. Please use refresh or update if you intend to update details. |
M12687 | Invalid SPV rule. Max Auth value is invalid or not specified. |
M12688 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is invalid or not specified. |
M12689 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is only allowed for range type 1. |
M12690 | Jurisdiction Merchant Country is invalid or not specified. |
M12691 | Amount Currency Code is invalid or not specified. |
M12692 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day and date ranges are not allowed for weekly range type. |
M12693 | Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day, day of the week and date ranges are not allowed for daily range type. |
M12696 | Invalid SPV rule. Timezone is not supported for SPV. |
M12697 | Duplicate Rules request is not allowed. |
Error Code | Error Desciption |
GP035 | Message ID is invalid. |
GP003 | Client ID is invalid. |
GP004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
GP005 | Account number is invalid. |
GP002 | Message ID is not unique. |
GP025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
GP016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
Error Code | Error Description |
MC035 | Message ID is invalid. |
MC003 | Client ID is invalid. |
MC004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
MC008 | Supplier ID is invalid. |
MC065 | Account Request ID is invalid. |
MC002 | Message ID is not unique. |
MC025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
MC062 | Supplier ID does not exist. |
MC063 | Account Request ID does not exist in the system. |
MC064 | Account Request ID does not belong to this buyer and supplier combination. |
MC001 | Account request successful. |
MC059 | Account created and activation pending. |
MC061 | Account creation pending. |
MC060 | Account creation failed. |
MC016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
Error code | Error Description |
CVV035 | Message ID is invalid. |
CVV003 | Client ID is invalid. |
CVV004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
CVV005 | Account number is invalid. |
CVV055 | Account expiration date is invalid. |
CVV056 | Account expiration date is in the past. |
CVV002 | Message ID is not unique. |
CVV025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
CVV057 | Bank and buyer should be enabled for CVV2. |
CVV017 | Account does not exist in system. |
CVV001 | Security code retrieved successfully. |
CVV058 | Security code unavailable. Please contact your buyer. |
CVV016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
Response Code | Response Description |
12611 | Action is mandatory. Action code should be A/U/D. |
12612 | Invalid Action. Action code should be A/U/D. |
7014 | Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time. |
00 | Request processed successfully. |
12624 | No Requisition card details found. |
12616 | Add payment control could not be processed successfully. |
12613 | Request could not be processed successfully. Failed to generate token. |
12615 | Request could not be processed successfully. Failed to load funding account details to generate token. |
7000 | Message id is not Unique |
7023 | Bank or buyer is not subscribed for service. |
7304 | Web service method is invalid. |
7002 | Buyer details you have provided is invalid. |
8230 | Proxy number provided in the request is not active. |
7001 | Invalid Client ID |
12537 | Optional Field Name contains invalid characters. |
12538 | Optional Field Name cannot be more than 50 characters. |
12589 | Sequence number should be within 0 to 999 range. |
12560 | Sequence is mandatory for all rules. Provide a valid sequence for the rule <ruleCode for which sequence is empty> |
12625 | Sequence number is mandatory. |
12562 | Over ride code provided for the rule <ruleCode for erroneous rule> contains invalid characters |
12563 | Over ride code can not be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid over ride code for the rule <ruleCode for erroneous rule> |
12606 | OverrideCode is mandatory for all rules with over rides. Provide a valid Over ride code for the rule <ruleCode for which the overrideCode is empty> |
12566 | Over ride value contains invalid characters |
12567 | Override value cannot be more than 100 characters. Please provide a valid override value for the rule <ruleCode for the erroneous rule> |
12608 | OverrideValue is mandatory for all rules with over rides. Provide a valid Over ride Value for the rule <ruleCode for which the overrideValue is empty> |
12556 | Time Zone can not be more than 12 characters |
12557 | Time Zone you have provided contains invalid characters |
12558 | Time zone should start with UTC. |
12592 | Time zone format is invalid. Supported formats are UTC+h, UTC-h, UTC+hh, UTC-hh, UTC+hh:mm, UTC-hh:mm. |
12555 | Time Zone is mandatory. |
12549 | Start Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. |
12553 | End Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. |
12554 | End Date should not be in the past |
12550 | End Date is mandatory |
12622 | At least one requisition rule is mandatory. |
7297 | MessageID is Required |
7298 | MessageID cannot be more than 36 characters |
7302 | BuyerID is Required |
8986 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters |
8993 | Account Number is Invalid. |
12626 | Account number length should be 16 characters |
12627 | Account Number is Mandatory |
12500 | ProxyPoolId is mandatory |
12501 | Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19. |
12502 | Proxy Pool ID you have \r\nprovided contains invalid characters |
12617 | Invalid Number of Cards. |
12618 | Number of cards value should be a number. |
12619 | Number of cards is mandatory. |
12620 | Account number should be blank. |
12605 | Rule Code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code |
12559 | Rule code <ruleCode sent in the request> is not valid. |
12604 | Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code. |
12633 | One of the spend category rules (Exact Match Rule/Spend Velocity Rule/ Tolerance rule) is mandatory for requisitions. |
12623 | At least one override rule is mandatory. |
12629 | Optional Field Value contains invalid characters. |
12630 | Optional Field Value should not be more than 100 characters. |
400 | Invalid Request Received. |
12632 | The number of accounts you have requested exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
12635 | The pseudo account type set for the SUA proxy does not match the pseudo account type set up for the buyer. |
12637 | Currency code passed in the request is not configured as one of the allowed currencies for the buyer. |
12638 | MCC ranges corresponding to the MCC groups you have chosen have exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 10. |
12639 | MCC ranges corresponding to the MCC group you have chosen are overlapping with the MCC ranges chosen for the other MCG rule. |
12640 | The startRange and endRange overrides are mandatory for the other MCG rule. |
12634 | Overrides rule size exceeds the maximum limit. |
4207 | Payment gross amount is not equal to the sum of the invoice amounts. |
4005 | Payment expiration date provided is in the past. |
4206 | Buyer ID is invalid. |
2010 | The buyer product type (i.e. credit vs. prepaid) does not match the bank product type. |
4209 | The card account/proxy chosen for the payment is invalid. |
4217 | Adjustable limit accounts cannot be used when processor interaction is disabled. |
4219 | Payment currency code is invalid. |
4218 | Payment currency code does not match the buyer's currency code. |
4216 | The account is currently being used for another transaction. |
7291 | Account is deleted. |
4016 | More than one payment instruction found with the same reference ID. |
4011 | Payment instruction is expired. |
4013 | Requisition request is expired. |
4012 | Payment instruction is matched. |
4014 | Requisition request is matched. |
4015 | Not a valid reference ID for update. |
2009 | CVV2 must be enabled at the bank, buyer, and supplier level for prepaid payments. |
12652 | Spend Velocity override code velocity field and startDate/endDate fields are not allowed together. |
12653 | The start date for the Spend Velocity authorization rule should be either current date or in the future and the End date should be after the start date |
12654 | The start and end date overrides (parameters) are mandatory for the Spend Velocity authorization rule to be set. |
12655 | System error occurred while processing your requisition update request. Please try your request after some time. |
12656 | Velocity limits Daily/Weekly/Monthly are NOT allowed. |
12642 | No active records found for canceling the requisition. Please send the correct requisition details (account number, start, end date) to cancel the request. |
12641 | The requisition you are trying to cancel could not be found. Please send the correct requisition details (account number, start, end date) to cancel the request. |
12658 | MCG rule action can only be set to Allow or Block. |
12659 | Allow Card Acceptor (CAID) and Block Card Acceptor (CAIDB) cannot be set together on an account. |
12660 | Allow Merchant Category (MCCX) and Block Merchant Category (MCCB) cannot be set together on an account. |
12661 | Block Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account |
12662 | Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account |
12663 | Allow State-level transaction restrictions (DOM) and Block State-level transaction restrictions (DOMB) cannot be set together on an account |
12664 | Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCB rule cannot be set together on an account |
12665 | NOTFUEL cannot be set with MCCB or MCCX |
12666 | Allow/Block Merchant Category Group rule/s. cannot be set with NOTFUEL. |
12667 | You must select either to block or allow countries. You cannot do both |
12668 | mccRanges are overlapped for MCCB control. |
12669 | mccRanges are overlapped for MCCX control. |
12670 | CAID Value is invalid or not specified. |
12671 | Min MCC is invalid or not specified |
12672 | Max MCC is invalid or not specified |
12673 | Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value |
12679 | Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified |
12683 | Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified |
12678 | Invalid amountCurrencyCode for the SPV rule. |
12673 | Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value |
12672 | Max MCC is invalid or not specified |
7157 | System error. Request not processed due to internal error. |
12703 | The CAID value provided in the request is invalid. CAID value should contain only up to 15 alphanumeric characters |
12679 | Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified |
12683 | Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified |
12678 | Invalid amountCurrencyCode for the SPV rule. |
12673 | Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value |
12672 | Max MCC is invalid or not specified |
7157 | System error. Request not processed due to internal error. |
12703 | The CAID value provided in the request is invalid. CAID value should contain only up to 15 alphanumeric characters |
Error Code | Error Description |
AMGP000 | Payment control details retrieved successfully. |
AMGP001 | Error occurred while retreiving the payment control details for the account. |
AMGP002 | Message ID is mandatory. |
AMGP003 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
AMGP004 | Message ID already exists. |
AMGP005 | Client ID is mandatory. |
AMGP006 | Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
AMGP007 | Client ID has invalid characters. |
AMGP008 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
AMGP009 | Buyer ID should not be more than 15 characters. |
AMGP010 | Buyer ID should be numeric. |
AMGP011 | Buyer ID does not exist. |
AMGP012 | Account Number is mandatory. |
AMGP013 | Account Number should be between 4 and 19 digits in length. |
AMGP014 | Account Number should be numeric. |
AMGP015 | Account Number should be between 4 and 19 digits in length. |
AMGP016 | Account Number does not exist in the system. |
AMGP017 | Account Number does not exist in the system. |
AMGP018 | Client ID is invalid. |
AMGP019 | Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the GetPaymentControls API. |
AMGP020 | Error occurred while processing your request. Please retry your request after some time. |
AMGP021 | Account is not registered for authorization controls. |
AMGP022 | There are multiple accounts matching the partial account number you have passed in the request. Please provide the full account number or the necessary digits to identify the account uniquely. |
Status Code | Status Description |
AMCF000 | Funding Account has been created successfully. |
AMCF001 | Error occurred while adding the Funding Account |
Error Code | Error Description |
AMCF001 | Message ID is mandatory |
AMCF002 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters |
AMCF003 | Message ID already exists |
AMCF004 | Client ID is mandatory |
AMCF005 | Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters |
AMCF006 | Invalid Client ID |
AMCF007 | Buyer ID is mandatory |
AMCF008 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters |
AMCF009 | Buyer ID should be numeric |
AMCF010 | Funding Account is not applicable for a buyer which is only enabled for regular accounts |
AMCF011 | Account Number is mandatory |
AMCF012 | Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits |
AMCF013 | Account Number should be numeric |
AMCF014 | Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length |
AMCF015 | The first funding account should always be marked as default |
AMCF016 | ExpirationDate should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD |
AMCF016 | Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time |
AMCF017 | ExpirationDate should not be in the past |
AMCF018 | Expiration Date field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank |
AMCF019 | Credit Limit should be numeric |
AMCF020 | Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits |
AMCF021 | Credit Limit field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank |
AMCF022 | Currency Code is mandatory |
AMCF023 | Currency Code should be 3 characters in length |
AMCF024 | Currency Code is either not supported in VPA or is not enabled for the buyer |
AMCF025 | Funding Account Number already exists |
AMCF026 | Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer |
AMCF027 | Error occurred while retrieving the funding account details from the processor |
AMCF028 | Error occurred while registering the funding account for Auth Controls |
AMCF029 | Funding Account Number does not exist in the system |
AMCF032 | The expiration date should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank. |
AMCF033 | The Credit Limit should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank. |
AMCF034 | The first funding account should always be marked as default. |
AMCF036 | The flag ‘blockPurchases’ is not applicable for TSYS VPP buyers. Please remove the flag from the API request and retry. Please work with your issuer to modify settings at TSYS. |
AMCF591 | The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match with the allowed currencies for the buyer. Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment. |
Error Code | Error Description |
AMUF001 | Message ID is mandatory. |
AMUF002 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
AMUF003 | Message ID already exists. |
AMUF004 | Client ID is mandatory. |
AMUF005 | Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters. |
AMUF006 | Client ID is invalid. |
AMUF007 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
AMUF008 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
AMUF009 | Buyer ID should be numeric. |
AMUF011 | Account Number is mandatory. |
AMUF012 | Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits. |
AMUF013 | Account Number should be numeric. |
AMUF014 | Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length. |
AMUF015 | Invalid Default account. |
AMUF016 | ExpirationDate should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
AMUF017 | ExpirationDate should not be in the past. |
AMUF018 | Expiration Date field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank. |
AMUF019 | Credit Limit should be numeric. |
AMUF020 | Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits. |
AMUF021 | Credit Limit field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank. |
AMUF023 | Currency Code should be 3 characters in length. |
AMUF024 | Currency Code is either not supported in VPA or is not enabled for the buyer. |
AMUF026 | Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer. |
AMUF029 | Funding Account Number does not exists in the system. |
AMUF030 | Funding Account's billing currency cannot be changed if tokens are already generated for it. |
AMUF031 | Default option for the Funding Account cannot be disabled. |
AMUF032 | The expiration date should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank. |
AMUF033 | The Credit Limit should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank. |
AMUF035 | Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the ManageFundingAccount API. |
AMUF036 | The flag ‘blockPurchases’ is not applicable for TSYS VPP buyers. Please remove the flag from the API request and retry. Please work with your issuer to modify settings at TSYS. |
AMUF591 | The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match with the allowed currencies for the buyer. Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment. |
AMUF000 | Funding Account has been updated successfully. |
AMUF692 | Invalid value for Action. The supported values are U or D. |
AMUF693 | Few or more of the virtual accounts are still in use. Please delete/cancel those transactions and or deactivate the cards to delete the funding account. |
AMUF694 | There are active proxies associated with the funding account. Please delete them to delete the funding account. |
Error Code | Error Description |
AMGF001 | Message ID is mandatory. |
AMGF002 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
AMGF003 | Message ID already exists. |
AMGF004 | Client ID is mandatory. |
AMGF005 | Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters. |
AMGF006 | Client ID is invalid. |
AMGF007 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
AMGF008 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
AMGF009 | Buyer ID should be not numeric. |
AMGF011 | Account Number is mandatory. |
AMGF012 | Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits. |
AMGF013 | Account Number should be numeric. |
AMGF014 | Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length. |
AMGF016 | Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time. |
AMGF026 | Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer. |
AMGF029 | Funding Account Number does not exists in the system. |
AMGF035 | Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the ManageFunding account API. |
AMGF000 | Funding Account has been retrieved successfully. |
Error Code | Error Description |
12624 | No Requisition card details found. |
7014 | Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time |
12616 | Add payment control could not be processed successfully. |
7297 | MessageID is Required |
7298 | MessageID cannot be more than 36 characters |
7302 | BuyerID is Required |
8986 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters |
7002 | Buyer details you have provided is invalid. |
7300 | ClientID is Required |
12597 | Client Id should not be more than 50 characters |
7001 | Invalid Client ID |
12627 | Account Number is Mandatory |
12626 | Account number length should be 16 characters |
8993 | Account Number is Invalid |
9277 | Account number you have provided is invalid |
9279 | Account number provided in the request is already associated with the proxy number |
7023 | Bank or Buyer is not yet setup |
7000 | Non Unique Message Id |
The Error Codes in this section pertain to Proxy Service APIs. These include:
Error Code | Error Description |
GAS005 | Message ID is required. |
GAS006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
GAS008 | Client ID is required. |
GAS009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
GAS010 | Client ID is invalid. |
GAS011 | Buyer ID is required. |
GAS012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
GAS013 | Buyer ID is invalid. |
GAS512 | Proxy number contains invalid characters. |
GAS727 | Proxy number is required. |
GAS535 | Account Request ID is required. |
GAS536 | Account Request ID cannot be more than 10 characters. |
GAS533 | Account Request ID contains invalid characters. |
GAS002 | Message ID is not unique. |
GAS007 | Message ID is a duplicate. |
GAS025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
GAS003 | Client ID is invalid. |
GAS004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
GAS511 | Proxy number provided does not match buyer records. |
GAS534 | Account Request ID does not exist. |
GAS537 | Account Request ID is not associated with this proxy number. |
GAS538 | Account Request ID is not associated with this proxy number or with this buyer. |
MPA517 | Message ID is not unique. |
GAS517 | Proxy number provided in the request is not active. |
GAS539 | Account creation request is still in progress. |
GAS531 | Get Account Status completed successfully. |
532 | System exception. |
Error Code | Error Description |
MPA005 | Message ID is required. |
MPA006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
MPA008 | Client ID is required. |
MPA009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
MPA010 | Client ID is invalid. |
MPA011 | Buyer ID is required. |
MPA012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
MPA013 | Buyer ID is invalid. |
MPA503 | Action type is invalid. |
MPA502 | Action type is mandatory. |
MPA066 | Account limit contains invalid characters |
MPA067 | Account limit, length, or precision is invalid or does not match with allowed limit. |
MPA188 | Maximum invoice limit entered. |
MPA071 | Account number is invalid. |
MPA504 | Account number is required for action types 1, 2, and 3. |
MPA505 | Expiration date is required. |
MPA075 | Expiration date is invalid. Supported date format is MM/YYYY. |
MPA535 | Expiration date should not be provided. |
MPA536 | Account number should not be provided. |
MPA510 | Total accounts required must be a digit between 1 to 100. |
MPA508 | Total accounts requested should contain only numbers. |
MPA509 | Total accounts requested is required for action type 4. |
MPA538 | Total accounts requested should not be provided. |
MPA512 | Proxy number contains invalid characters. |
12700 | Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19. |
9296 | Proxy number is required. |
MPA506 | ProxyAccountDetails tag is required |
MPA007 | Message ID is a duplicate. |
MPA025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
MPA087 | Web service method is invalid. |
MPA511 | Proxy number provided does not match the buyer records. |
9285 | Account number belongs to a different proxy or different proxy of a different buyer. |
MPA518 | Account number provided in the request is already associated with the proxy number. |
MPA519 | Account number provided in the request is not associated with the proxy number. |
MPA531 | Account limit does not match the proxy bucket amount. |
MPA065 | If card type is 2 (Fixed), the account limit is required. |
9781 | VRZ proxies cannot be updated. |
MPA527 | Account limit is applicable only for fixed type proxies. |
MPA8230 | Proxy number provided in the request is not active. |
MPA533 | Expiration date cannot be updated for account type 1. |
MPA517 | Proxy number provided in the request is not active. |
MPA516 | Account number you have provided is invalid. |
MPA520 | Account number provided in the request is already deleted. |
MPA521 | Account number cannot be deleted. It has open transactions. |
MPA523 | Account number cannot be deleted. It has pending VPC registration. |
MPA522 | New accounts cannot be requested. This proxy has pending card requests. |
MPA110 | Request schema validated success. |
MPA001 | Proxy account added successfully. |
MPA004 | Proxy account addition failed. Error registering auth controls. |
MPA002 | Proxy account updated successfully. |
MPA003 | Proxy account deactivated successfully. |
MPA525 | Proxy accounts requested successfully. |
Error Code | Error Description |
PMCP001 | Error occurred while creating the proxy pool. |
PMCP002 | Message ID should be unique. |
PMCP005 | Message ID is mandatory. |
PMCP006 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
PMCP007 | Message ID contains invalid characters. |
PMCP008 | Client ID is mandatory |
PMCP009 | Client ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMCP011 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
PMCP012 | Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMCP013 | Buyer ID contains invalid characters. |
PMCP014 | Proxy Account Number is mandatory. |
PMCP015 | Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters. |
PMCP016 | Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters. |
PMCP017 | Funding Account Number should not be more than 16 digits. |
PMCP018 | Funding Account Number contains invalid characters. |
PMCP019 | Proxy Account Type field should be either 1 or 2. |
PMCP057 | Auth Control Enabled field should be either True or False. |
PMCP023 | Initial Order Count should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMCP024 | Initial Order Count should be numeric. |
PMCP025 | Reorder Count should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMCP026 | Reorder Count should be numeric. |
PMCP027 | Credit Limit should be numeric. |
PMCP028 | Credit limit should be a positive integer. |
PMCP029 | Credit limit should be a positive integer. |
PMCP030 | Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits. |
PMCP031 | Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> already exists in the system. |
PMCP032 | Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy. |
PMCP033 | Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy. |
PMCP034 | Funding Account Number is not applicable for a Buyer using regular accounts. |
PMCP035 | Funding Account Number is invalid. |
PMCP036 | Auth Control is mandatory for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts or VANs. |
PMCP038 | Initial Order Count is mandatory. |
PMCP039 | Reorder Count is mandatory. |
PMCP040 | Credit limit needs to be provided only if the fixed credit limit is enabled for the bank/buyer. |
PMCP041 | Credit Limit is not allowed for Proxy Account Type 1. |
PMCP042 | Credit Limit is not applicable for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts. |
PMCP043 | Auth Control is mandatory for a buyer if it is mandated for the associated bank. |
PMCP047 | Proxy Account Type 1 is invalid for a buyer enabled for VPP or pseudo accounts. |
PMCP048 | Proxy Pool type field should be either 1 or 2. |
PMCP049 | Client ID is not found in the system. |
PMCP050 | Buyer ID is not found in the system. |
PMCP051 | Minimum Available Accounts contains invalid characters. |
PMCP052 | Minimum Available Accounts should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMCP053 | Minimum Available Accounts is mandatory. |
PMCP054 | Minimum Available Accounts should be greater than 0. |
PMCP055 | Minimum Available Accounts should be less than Initial Order Count |
PMCP056 | Minimum Available Accounts should only be provided if auto replenishment is enabled for the buyer. |
Error Code | Error Description |
PMUP001 | Error occurred while updating the proxy pool. |
PMUP002 | Message ID should be unique. |
PMUP005 | Message ID is mandatory. |
PMUP006 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
PMUP007 | Message ID contains invalid characters. |
PMUP008 | Client ID is mandatory. |
PMUP009 | Client ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMUP011 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
PMUP012 | Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMUP013 | Buyer ID contains invalid characters. |
PMUP014 | Proxy Account Number is mandatory. |
PMUP015 | Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters. |
PMUP016 | Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters. |
PMUP017 | Funding Account Number should not be more than 16 digits. |
PMUP018 | Funding Account Number contains invalid characters. |
PMUP019 | Proxy Account Type field should be either 1 or 2. |
PMUP020 | Auth Control Enabled field should be either True or False. |
PMUP023 | Initial Order Count should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMUP024 | Initial Order Count should be numeric. |
PMUP025 | Reorder Count should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMUP026 | Reorder Count should be numeric. |
PMUP027 | Credit Limit should be numeric. |
PMUP028 | Credit limit should be a positive integer. |
PMUP029 | Credit limit should be a positive integer. |
PMUP030 | Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits. |
PMUP032 | Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy. |
PMUP033 | Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy. |
PMUP034 | Funding Account Number is not applicable for a Buyer using regular accounts. |
PMUP035 | Funding Account Number is invalid. |
PMUP036 | Auth Control is mandatory for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts or VANs. |
PMUP038 | Initial Order Count is mandatory. |
PMUP039 | Reorder Count is mandatory. |
PMUP040 | Credit limit needs to be provided only if the fixed credit limit is enabled for the bank/buyer. |
PMUP041 | Credit Limit is not allowed for Proxy Account Type 1. |
PMUP042 | Credit Limit is not applicable for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts. |
PMUP043 | Auth Control is mandatory for a buyer if it is mandated for the associated bank. |
PMUP045 | Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> has already been deleted. |
PMUP046 | Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> is not found in the system |
PMUP047 | Proxy Account Type 1 is invalid for a buyer enabled for VPP or pseudo accounts. |
PMUP048 | Proxy Pool type field should be either 1 or 2. |
PMUP049 | Client ID is not found in the system. |
PMUP050 | Buyer ID is not found in the system. |
PMUP051 | Minimum Available Accounts contains invalid characters. |
PMUP052 | Minimum Available Accounts should not be more than 9 digits. |
PMUP053 | Minimum Available Accounts is mandatory. |
PMUP054 | Minimum Available Accounts should be greater than 0. |
PMUP055 | Minimum Available Accounts should be less than Initial Order Count. |
PMUP056 | Minimum Available Accounts should only be provided if the auto replenishment is enabled for the buyer. |
Error Code | Error Description |
PMDP001 | Error occurred while deleting the proxy pool. |
PMDP002 | Message ID should be unique |
PMDP005 | Message ID is mandatory |
PMDP006 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters |
PMDP007 | Message ID contains invalid characters |
PMDP008 | Client ID is mandatory |
PMDP009 | Client ID should not be more than 25 characters |
PMDP011 | Buyer ID is mandatory |
PMDP012 | Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters |
PMDP013 | Buyer ID contains invalid characters |
PMDP015 | Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters |
PMDP016 | Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters |
PMDP017 | The proxy cannot be deleted as a new account request is being processed for this proxy. |
PMDP018 | An account in the proxy is already in use and hence the proxy cannot be deleted |
PMDP045 | Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> has already been deleted. |
PMDP046 | Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> is not found in the system |
PMDP049 | Client ID is not found in the system |
PMDP050 | Buyer ID is not found in the system |
Error Code | Error Description |
PMGP002 | Message ID should be unique. |
PMGP005 | Message ID is mandatory. |
PMGP006 | Message ID should not be more than 36 characters. |
PMGP007 | Message ID contains invalid characters. |
PMGP008 | Client ID is mandatory. |
PMGP009 | Client ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMGP011 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
PMGP012 | Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters. |
PMGP013 | Buyer ID contains invalid characters. |
PMGP015 | Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters. |
PMGP016 | Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters. |
PMGP049 | Client ID is not found in the system. |
PMGP050 | Buyer ID is not found in the system. |
The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Payment APIs. These include:
Error Code | Error Desription |
PP578 | EFT Supplier ID contains invalid characters. |
PP579 | EFT Supplier ID length should be between 1 and 8 characters. |
PP568 | The account type sent in the web service request is invalid. |
PP035 | Message ID is invalid. |
PP002 | Message ID is not unique. |
PP003 | Client ID is invalid. |
PP004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
PP025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
PP057 | If the invoice required indicator is ON, the invoice tag is mandatory for a payment instruction. |
PP591 | The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match the allowed currencies for the buyer. Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment. |
PP047 | Action type is required and must be valid (values with in 1-4). |
PP005 | Account number is invalid. |
PP564 | Account number field is mandatory when expiration date is provided. |
PP565 | The card expiry date sent in the request is invalid. Please correct and re-submit. |
PP561 | The month you have entered for the card expiry date is invalid. Please enter a valid month. |
PP562 | The card expiry date you have entered is in the past. Please enter a future date. |
PP563 | The year you have entered for the card expiry date is invalid. Please enter a valid year. |
PP587 | Account limit cannot have precision value. |
PP586 | The account limit field should be numeric. |
PP009 | Currency code is invalid. |
PP006 | Payment amount is invalid. |
PP188 | Maximum invoice limit entered. |
PP049 | Payment expiration date is required and has to be in the valid date format 'YYYY-MM-DD.' |
PP186 | Payment expiration date provided is a past date. |
PP171 | Payment date is invalid. |
PP008 | Supplier ID is invalid. |
PP580 | Bank is not enabled for Invapay payments. |
PP581 | Buyer is not enabled for Invapay payments. |
PP582 | Supplier name is mandatory. |
PP583 | EFT SupplierID is mandatory. |
PP584 | Provided EFT SupplierID is already associated with another supplier. |
7605 | Incorrect Invapay supplier provided. |
PP585 | Incorrect EFT SupplierID provided. |
PP600 | Account number not allowed for the VPP Token. |
PP567 | The account type passed in the web service request is different from what is setup in the VPA system. |
PP576 | The account limit field is mandatory for lodged card payments. |
PP577 | The account limit sent in the request is greater than the maximum allowed limit. <Max allowed limit> |
PP569 | Account type is not applicable for SUA payments. |
PP016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
PP566 | Card expiration date field is mandatory for a new card account in the request. |
PP050 | SupplierID is required, if the payment Type is 1 (Payment Instruction), 3 (STP Processing), or 4 (INVAPAY Payment). |
PP056 | STP Supplier ID must be valid. |
PP037 | Supplier name is invalid. |
PP042 | Supplier address is invalid. |
PP038 | Supplier city is invalid. |
PP039 | Supplier state is invalid. |
PP041 | Supplier postal code is invalid. |
PP040 | Supplier country is invalid. |
PP162 | Supplier profile update is invalid. |
PP012 | Primary email address is invalid. |
PP182 | Alternate address tag is invalid. |
PP013 | Alternate email address is invalid. |
PP060 | Email notes are invalid. |
PP589 | The Process Payment web service supports only <max number allowed> invoices. |
PP014 | Invoice number is invalid. |
PP015 | Invoice date is invalid. |
PP036 | Invoice amount is invalid |
PP188 | Partial payment value exceeds the field length. |
PP058 | Purchase order number is invalid. |
PP059 | Purchase order date is invalid. |
PP181 | Reference tag is invalid. |
PP170 | Payment description is invalid. |
601 | Request schema validation is successful. |
Error Code | Error Description |
RSP043 | Original message ID is invalid. |
RSP173 | Email notes are invalid. |
RSP035 | Message ID is invalid. |
RSP003 | Client ID is invalid. |
RSP004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
RSP005 | Account number is invalid. |
RSP012 | Primary email address is invalid. |
RSP182 | Alternate address tag is invalid. |
RSP013 | Alternate email address is invalid. |
RSP162 | Supplier profile update is invalid. |
RSP049 | Payment expiration date is required and must be in a valid date format: YYYY-MM-DD |
RSP016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
RSP002 | Message ID is not unique. |
RSP163 | Primary email address is required if supplier is enabled for notification. |
RSP030 | Original message ID does not exist. |
RSP167 | Payment was not processed successfully or is in progress. |
RSP161 | Payment has already expired. |
RSP025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
RSP029 | Original message ID and account number do not match. |
RSP186 | Payment expiration date provided is a past date. |
Error Code | Error Description |
GURL035 | Message ID is invalid. |
GURL003 | Client ID is invalid. |
GURL004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
GURL005 | Account number is invalid. |
GURL043 | Original message ID is invalid. |
GURL002 | Message ID is not unique. |
GURL030 | Original message ID does not exist. |
GURL164 | Payment URL is already expired. |
GURL165 | URL generation is in progress. |
GURL166 | URL generation failed. |
GURL167 | Payment was not processed successfully or is in progress. |
GURL016 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
GURL029 | Original message ID and account number do not match. |
GURL025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
GURL001 | URL received successfully. |
GURL161 | Payment has already expired. |
Error Code | Error Description |
GPD005 | Message ID is required. |
GPD006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
GPD008 | Client ID is required. |
GPD009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
GPD003 | Client ID is invalid. |
GPD011 | Buyer ID is required. |
GPD012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters. |
GPD013 | Buyer ID is invalid. |
GPD557 | At least one parameter is required. |
GPD551 | From date contains invalid characters. |
GPD549 | From date should not be more than 8 characters. |
GPD548 | From date should not be less than 8 characters. |
GPD548 | From date should contain only numbers. |
GPD548 | From date format is invalid. |
GPD550 | From date should not be in the future. |
GPD558 | From date is mandatory when to date is given. |
GPD555 | To date contains invalid characters. |
GPD553 | To date should not be more than 8 characters. |
GPD552 | To date should not be less than 8 characters. |
GPD552 | To date should contain only numbers. |
GPD552 | To date format is invalid. |
GPD556 | To date should be later than from date. |
GPD545 | Status code contains invalid characters. |
GPD547 | Status code should not be more than 1 character. |
GPD546 | Status code is invalid. |
GPD542 | Tracking number contains invalid characters. |
GPD543 | Tracking number should not be more than 36 characters. |
GPD002 | Message ID is not unique. |
GDP004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
GDP544 | Tracking number does not exist in the system. |
GDP541 | Tracking number does not belong to this buyer. |
GPD539 | 1.Fetching the configured number of payments. 2.Get payment details completed successfully. |
GPD002 | Payment details are not available for the search parameters. |
GDP540 | System exception. |
GDP025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
GPD602 | The value you passed in the ResultSetNo field is invalid. |
Error Code | Error Description |
CP035 | Message ID is invalid. |
CP003 | Client ID is invalid. |
CP004 | Buyer details you have provided are invalid. |
CP005 | Account number is invalid. |
CP043 | Original message ID is invalid. |
CP590 | Cancel reason passed in the request has invalid characters. |
CP002 | Message ID sent in the request should be unique for each request. |
CP003 | Client ID sent in the request is not found in the system. |
CP004 | Buyer information sent in the request is not setup in the system. |
CP030 | Original message ID sent in the request is not found in the system. |
CP167 | The payment identified by the original message ID cannot be cancelled because the original payment was not processed successfully. |
CP161 | The payment identified by the original message ID has already been cancelled. |
CP162 | Payment is already cancelled. |
CP037 | A system error occurred while cancelling the payment. Please wait and try your request again. If the issue persists, contact your system administrator. |
CP029 | Account number is invalid. |
CP032 | Cancel payment is not supported for DPS buyers. |
CP038 | Cancel payment is not supported for STP payments. |
CP039 | Cancel payment is not supported for EFT/ACH payments. |
CP031 | The payment identified by the original message ID has already been collected by the supplier. |
CP025 | The bank or buyer has not yet been setup in VPA. |
The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Supplier Service APIs. These include:
Error Code | Error Description |
CS005 | Message ID is required. |
CS006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
CS007 | Duplicate message ID. |
CS008 | Client ID is required. |
CS009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
CS011 | Buyer ID is required. |
CS012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
CS010 | Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid. |
CS013 | Buyer is invalid. |
CS087 | Web service method is invalid. |
CS014 | Supplier ID is required. |
CS015 | Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters. |
CS016 | Supplier ID contains invalid characters. |
CS018 | Supplier name is required. |
CS019 | Supplier name cannot be more than 50 characters. |
CS020 | Supplier name contains invalid characters. |
CS021 | Supplier type is required. |
CS022 | Supplier type is invalid. |
CS023 | STP ID is required. |
CS088 | STP ID is of invalid length. |
CS025 | STP ID is invalid. |
CS089 | STP ID should not be provided for VPA suppliers. |
CS028 | Supplier city is required. |
CS029 | Supplier city cannot be more than 50 characters. |
CS031 | Supplier state cannot be more than 50 characters. |
CS026 | Supplier address line 1 is required. |
CS027 | Supplier address line 1 cannot be more than 100 characters. |
CS090 | Supplier address line 2 cannot be more than 100 characters. |
CS035 | Supplier country code is required. |
CS036 | Supplier country code cannot be more than 3 characters. |
CS038 | Supplier country code is invalid. |
CS030 | State code is required for this country. |
CS032 | Postal code is required for this country. |
CS033 | Supplier postal code cannot be more than 20 characters. |
CS034 | Supplier postal code contains invalid characters. |
CS040 | Primary email address cannot be more than 70 characters. |
CS041 | Primary email address is not valid. |
CS091 | Maximum of 5 alternate email addresses can be configured. |
CS043 | CC alternate address is not valid. |
CS042 | Alternate email address cannot be more than 70 characters. |
CS092 | Currency code should be of length 3. |
CS592 | Supplier currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer. |
CS093 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
7777 | Date code is invalid. |
7778 | System exception. |
CS045 | Supplier language is required. |
CS046 | Supplier language is invalid. |
CS044 | Supplier GL code cannot be more than 70 characters. |
CS047 | Reminder notification indicator is invalid. |
CS095 | Reminder notification indicator not supported for STP suppliers. |
CS049 | Reminder notification days not supported for STP suppliers. |
CS056 | Payment expiration days not supported for STP suppliers. |
CS050 | Reminder notification days is required, only when ReminderNotificationIndicator= Y. |
CS052 | Reminder notification days field contains invalid characters. |
CS096 | Reminder notification days field is invalid. |
CS051 | Reminder notification days cannot be more than 99 Days. |
7495 | Reminder notification days field is invalid. Please enter a value greater than 0. |
CS097 | Payment expiration days field is required. |
CS098 | Payment expiration days field is invalid. |
CS057 | Payment expiration days cannot be more than 999 days. |
CS053 | Reminder notification days value cannot exceed the payment expiration days. |
CS054 | Invoice attachment indicator is invalid. |
CS059 | Security code required is invalid. |
CS507 | Authorization controls are mandatory for the buyer you have sent in the web service request. Please correct and resubmit. |
CS061 | Payment control indicator is invalid. |
CS593 | Account currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer. |
CS560 | Account type is required for the given combination of card details. |
CS063 | Card type is invalid. It is one of these values: 1 ( Reset To Zero) / 2 (Fixed)/5 (Reloadable Accounts). |
CS064 | Account type is invalid. The bank does not support this card type. |
CS065 | Account limit is required, If card type is 2 (Fixed). |
CS066 | Account limit should contain only numbers. |
CS100 | Account limit cannot be 0. |
CS067 | Account limit is invalid. The length or precision does not match the allowed limit. |
CS101 | Account limit is invalid. |
CS102 | Account limit should be empty. |
CS103 | Processor interaction is disabled for this bank. New accounts cannot be requested. |
CS068 | Action type is required. |
CS070 | Account number is required if the action type is 2 (Enter Card Number). |
CS104 | Account number should start with 4. |
CS072 | Expiration date is required if ActionType is 2 (Enter Card Number). |
CS073 | Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY. |
CS105 | Invalid month for expiration date. |
CS106 | Invalid year for expiration date. |
CS073 | Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY. |
CS107 | Account number should be empty. |
CS109 | The account type and action type combination is invalid. |
CS159 | Account type is required. |
CS601 | Lodging a VPP token to a supplier is not supported. |
CS071 | Account number is invalid. |
CS108 | Expiration date should be empty. |
CS060 | Action type is invalid. |
CS110 | Request schema validated success. |
CS017 | Supplier ID already exists. |
CS025 | Bank or buyer is not yet setup. |
CS025 | STP supplier ID is invalid. |
CS078 | Bank/Buyer not enabled for STP. |
CS086 | DPS buyer/bank not enabled for PIN. |
CS117 | Non-DPS buyers cannot be enabled for PIN. |
CS118 | Enable PIN should be set to Y. |
CS119 | Account currency code should match with buyer currency code for account type 1 and 5. |
CS120 | Invalid account type for DPS supplier. |
CS121 | Invalid action type for DPS supplier. |
CS122 | Proxy number is required for DPS suppliers. |
CS123 | Proxy number is invalid. |
CS124 | Reloadable proxy account is invalid. |
CS048 | Buyer/bank is not enabled for reminder notification. |
CS125 | Reminder notification days should be provided. |
CS126 | Reminder notification days should be empty. |
CS055 | Buyer/Bank is not enabled for invoice attachment. |
CS060 | Buyer/Bank is not enabled for CVV2 security code. |
CS127 | STP suppliers cannot be enabled for CVV2 security code. |
CS128 | DPS suppliers should be enabled for CVV2 security code. |
CS039 | Primary email address is required. |
CS129 | Supplier alert notification indicator is enabled for buyer and bank. Primary email address is required. |
CS598 | The funding account number you have sent in the request is not yet setup for your buyer. |
CS599 | Funding account number passed in the request is invalid. |
CS188 | Maximum invoice limit entered. |
CS182 | Account already exists with a different currency code. Please use the same currency code. |
CS062 | Buyer is not enabled for auth controls. |
CS062 | Bank and buyer are not enabled for auth controls. |
CS130 | Auth controls cannot be set for STP suppliers. |
CS131 | Bank is not subscribed for custom security questions. |
CS132 | Buyer is not subscribed for custom security questions. |
CS133 | Buyer not subscribed for random security questions. Only one security answer is allowed. |
CS134 | Buyer not subscribed for random security questions. Only the security answer for question 1 is allowed. |
CS079 | Security answer does not exist at the position. |
CS081 | Security answer is required. |
CS135 | Only one security answer operation allowed at each position for a request. |
CS083 | Security answer cannot be more than 50 characters. |
CS082 | Security answer contains invalid characters. |
CS136 | Security question number is invalid. |
CS137 | Security question number is required. |
CS138 | Security answers list cannot be greater than size 3. |
ASR060 | 1. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Unable to create a new token. 2. Proxy account does not have any active accounts. 3. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Credit limit difference found. 4. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Unable to get account information. 5. Supplier setup completed, but VPC registration failed. 6. Supplier and account information created successfully. Failed to notify the supplier. 7. Create supplier failed. |
ASR001 | Create supplier success. |
ASR099 | System exception. |
CS139 | Security answers not supported for STP suppliers. |
CS187 | suaExactMatchRule can be set to Y only if PaymentControlRequired is enabled for the supplier. |
CS188 | suaExactMatchRule is invalid. Allowed values are Y/N. |
Error Code | Error Description |
US005 | Message ID is required. |
US006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
US007 | Duplicate message ID. |
US008 | Client ID is required. |
US009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
US011 | Buyer ID is required. |
US012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
US010 | Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid. |
US087 | Web service method is invalid. |
US014 | Supplier ID is required. |
US015 | Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters. |
US016 | Supplier ID contains invalid characters. |
US028 | Supplier city is required. |
US029 | Supplier city cannot be more than 50 characters. |
US019 | Supplier name cannot be more than 50 characters. |
US020 | Supplier name contains invalid characters. |
US013 | Buyer is invalid. |
US093 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
US022 | Supplier type is invalid. |
US023 | STP ID is required. |
US088 | STP ID length is invalid. |
US025 | STP ID is invalid. |
US089 | STP ID should not be provided for VPA suppliers. |
US018 | Supplier name is required. |
US026 | Supplier address line 1 is required. |
US027 | Supplier address line 1 cannot be more than 100 characters. |
US090 | Supplier address line 2 cannot be more than 100 characters. |
US031 | Supplier state cannot be more than 50 characters. |
US035 | Supplier country code is required. |
US036 | Supplier country code cannot be more than 3 characters. |
US038 | Supplier country code is invalid. |
US030 | State code is required for this country. |
US032 | Postal code is required for this country. |
US033 | Supplier postal code cannot be more than 20 characters. |
US034 | Supplier postal code contains invalid characters. |
US040 | Primary email address cannot be more than 70 characters. |
US041 | Primary email address is invalid. |
US092 | Currency code should be of length 3. |
US592 | Supplier currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer. |
US044 | Supplier GL code cannot be more than 70 characters. |
US047 | Reminder notification indicator is invalid. |
US095 | Reminder notification indicator not supported for STP suppliers. |
US049 | Reminder notification days not supported for STP suppliers. |
US056 | Payment expiration days not supported for STP suppliers. |
US050 | Reminder notification days is required only if reminder notification indicator=Y. |
US052 | Reminder notification days contains invalid characters. |
US096 | Reminder notification days are invalid. |
US051 | Reminder notification days cannot be more than 99 days. |
7495 | Reminder notification days are invalid. Please enter a value greater than 0. |
US097 | Payment expiration days are required. |
US098 | Payment expiration days are invalid. |
US057 | Payment expiration days cannot be more than 999 days. |
US053 | Reminder notification days value cannot exceed the payment expiration days. |
US059 | Security code required is invalid. |
US507 | Authorization controls is mandatory for the buyer you have sent in the web service request. Please correct and resubmit. |
US061 | Payment control indicator is invalid. |
US025 | Bank/Buyer is not yet setup. |
US025 | STP supplier ID is invalid. |
US078 | Bank/Buyer not enabled for STP. |
US086 | DPS buyer/bank not enabled for PIN. |
US117 | Non DPS buyers cannot be enabled for PIN. |
US118 | Enable PIN should be set to Y. |
US126 | Reminder Notification Days should be empty. |
US055 | Buyer/Bank is not enabled for invoice attachment. |
US060 | Buyer/Bank is not enabled for CVV2 security code. |
US127 | STP suppliers cannot be enabled for CVV2 security code. |
US128 | DPS suppliers should be enabled for CVV2 security code. |
US039 | Primary email address is required. |
US062 | Buyer is not enabled for Auth Controls. |
US062 | Bank and buyer are not enabled for Auth Controls. |
US130 | Auth Controls cannot be set for STP suppliers. |
US132 | Buyer is not subscribed for custom security questions. |
US079 | Security answer does not exist at the position. |
US135 | Only one security answer operation allowed at each position for a request. |
US083 | Security answer cannot be more than 50 characters. |
US082 | Security answer contains invalid characters. |
US136 | Invalid security question number. |
US137 | Security question number is required. |
US138 | Security answers list cannot be greater than size 3. |
US139 | Security answers not supported for STP suppliers. |
US110 | Request schema validated success. |
US111 | Supplier ID does not exist. |
US021 | Supplier type is required. |
US043 | CC email address is not valid. |
US042 | CC email address cannot be more than 70 characters. |
4629 | Date code is invalid. |
US045 | Supplier language is required. |
US046 | Supplier language is invalid. |
US054 | Invalid invoice attachment indicator. |
US559 | Security code required should be N for STP suppliers. |
US140 | Supplier is invalid. |
US141 | STP ID should be empty for VPA suppliers. |
US142 | Buyer/Bank is not enabled for payment expiration reminder. |
US143 | Supplier alert indicator is enabled for buyer. Primary email address is required. |
US144 | Buyer is not subscribed for random security questions. Only one security answer is allowed. |
US145 | Buyer is not subscribed for random security questions. Only the security answer for question 1 is allowed. |
US187 | suaExactMatchRule can be set to Y only if PaymentControlRequired is enabled for the supplier. |
US188 | suaExactMatchRule is invalid. Allowed values are Y/N. |
Error Code | Error Description |
DS005 | Message ID is required. |
DS010 | Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid. |
DS013 | Buyer is invalid. |
DS025 | Bank/Buyer is not yet setup. |
DS087 | Web service method is invalid. |
DS154 | Disable reason cannot be more than 255 characters. |
DS014 | Supplier ID is required. |
DS015 | Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters. |
DS016 | Supplier ID contains invalid character(s). |
DS155 | Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid. |
DS146 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
DS008 | Client ID is required. |
DS009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
DS011 | Buyer ID is required. |
DS012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
DS156 | Supplier is already disabled. |
DS157 | Unable to deactivate the supplier. Payments are being processed for this supplier. |
DS158 | Unable to deactivate the supplier. Pending card creation requests are found for this supplier. |
DS110 | Request schema validated success. |
DS006 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
DS007 | Duplicate message ID. |
DSR001 | Supplier disabled successfully. |
DSR002 | Disabled supplier request failed. |
DSR018 | System exception. |
Error Code | Error Description |
GS180 | Supplier ID does not exist. |
GS181 | Account number length should be 16 characters. |
GS005 | Message ID is required. |
GS146 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
GS008 | Client ID is required. |
GS009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
GS011 | Buyer ID is required. |
GS012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
GS010 | Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid. |
GS013 | Buyer is invalid. |
GS025 | Bank/Buyer is not yet setup. |
GS014 | Supplier ID is required. |
GS015 | Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters. |
GS016 | Supplier ID contains invalid character(s). |
GS155 | Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid. |
GS087 | Web service method is invalid. |
GS156 | Supplier already disabled. |
GS007 | Duplicate message ID. |
GS071 | Account number is invalid. |
GS110 | Request schema validated success. |
ASR060 | 1. Supplier and account information received. 2. Manage card accounts failed. |
ASR099 | System exception. |
Error Code | Error Description |
MS005 | Message ID is required. |
MS146 | Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters. |
MS007 | Duplicate message ID |
MS008 | Client ID is required. |
MS009 | Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
MS011 | Buyer ID is required. |
MS012 | Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters. |
MS010 | Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid. |
MS013 | Buyer is invalid. |
MS087 | Web service method is invalid. |
MS016 | Supplier ID contains an invalid character. |
MS155 | Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid. |
MS159 | Account type is required. |
MS063 | Card type is invalid. These values are allowed: 1 ( Reset To Zero) / 2 (Fixed)/5 (Reloadable Accounts). |
MS065 | Account limit is required if card type is 2 (Fixed). |
MS066 | Account limit should contain only numbers. |
MS067 | Account limit is invalid. Length or Precision does not match the allowed limit. |
MS101 | Account limit is invalid. |
MS105 | Expiration date month is invalid. |
MS106 | Expiration date year is invalid. |
MS064 | Account type is invalid. Bank does not support this card type. |
MS601 | Lodging a VPP token to a supplier is not supported. |
MS071 | Account number is invalid. |
MS108 | Expiration date should be empty. |
MS102 | Account limit should be empty. |
MS109 | Account type and action type combination is invalid. |
MS110 | Request schema validated success. |
MS025 | Bank/Buyer is not yet setup. |
MS598 | The funding account number you have sent in the request is not yet setup for your buyer. |
MS599 | Funding account number passed in the request is invalid. |
MS092 | Currency code should be length=3. |
MS593 | Account currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer. |
MS093 | Request could not be processed successfully. |
MS119 | Account currency code should match with buyer currency code for account type 1 and 5. |
MS124 | Reloadable proxy account is invalid. |
MS182 | Account already exists with a different currency code. Please use the same currency code. |
MS188 | Maximum invoice limit entered. |
MS014 | Supplier ID is required. |
MS015 | Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters. |
MS140 | Supplier is invalid. |
MS154 | Disable reason cannot be more than 255 characters. |
MS069 | Action type is invalid. |
MS163 | Default indicator is invalid. Valid value is Y/N. |
MS164 | Default card account cannot be marked as non-default card account. |
MS160 | Account number already present for the supplier. |
MS070 | Account number is required. |
MS161 | Account number already does not exist or disabled. |
MS162 | Account number is not associated with this supplier. |
MS165 | Currency code should be 3 characters long. Spaces and numbers are not allowed. |
MS166 | Expiration date should not be provided. |
MS167 | Account number should not be provided. |
MS168 | Account limit should not be provided. |
MS169 | Action type and account type combination is invalid. |
MS072 | Expiration date is required. |
MS073 | Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY. |
MS170 | Proxy number must be provided for account type 5. |
MS171 | Supplier ID is invalid. |
MS172 | Action type is invalid. User cannot request new cards when processor interaction is disabled. |
MS174 | Account number and account type combination is invalid. |
MS175 | Account number does not belong to this supplier. |
MS176 | Payment control is set for this supplier. Currency Code cannot be updated. |
MS177 | Account number does not exist or already disabled. |
MS179 | Card account cannot be deleted. Some payments are in pending status. |
MSA060 | Manage card accounts failed to lodge the account. Unable to create a new token. |
ASR060 | 1. Proxy account does not have any active accounts. 2. Manage card acounts failed to lodged the account. Credit limit difference found. 3. Manage card accounts failed to lodge the account. Unable to get account information. 4. Manage card accounts failed in VPC registration. 5. Manage card accounts completed successfully. Failed to notify the supplier. 6. Manage card accounts failed. Failed to deregister account for auth controls. 7. Manage card accounts failed. |
ASR001 | 1. Manage card accounts completed successfully. 2. Manage card accounts failed. |
ASR099 | System exception. |
The error codes in this section pertain to the Buyer Implementation APIs. These include:
Error Code | Error Description |
BSCT001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSCT002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSCT003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSCT004 | Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit. |
BSCT005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSCT006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSCT007 | You do not have permission to create a buyer template. |
BSCT101 | A few of the workflow function codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field is invalid. |
BSCT102 | Workflow Function Codes field should not to be provided if workflow Config Enabled option is not enabled. |
BSCT105 | The Auth Controls option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSCT106 | Auth controls are mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs. |
BSCT107 | Auth controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank. |
BSCT109 | Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled. |
BSCT110 | Issuer Holding BID should not to be provided if Auth Controls are not enabled. |
BSCT111 | Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits. |
BSCT112 | Auth Controls needs to be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled. |
BSCT113 | Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT114 | Boost payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT116 | Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12. |
BSCT117 | Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12. |
BSCT118 | The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT119 | The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT120 | The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT121 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT122 | The auth control option is mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account. |
BSCT124 | Phone1 is invalid. |
BSCT125 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSCT127 | The Response COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCT128 | The COMM file id you have sent for EDI 820 does not exist in the system. |
BSCT129 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCT130 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCT131 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCT132 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCT133 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCT134 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCT135 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSCT136 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSCT137 | Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999. |
BSCT138 | Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99. |
BSCT139 | A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSCT142 | The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA. |
BSCT143 | Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT144 | The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S. |
BSCT145 | Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSCT146 | The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats. |
BSCT147 | The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT148 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT149 | The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled. |
BSCT150 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days. |
BSCT151 | Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99. |
BSCT152 | The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2. |
BSCT153 | Default Security Questions is mandatory. |
BSCT154 | Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters. |
BSCT155 | The Default Security Question has invalid characters. |
BSCT156 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSCT157 | At least one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled. |
BSCT159 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the template before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSCT160 | One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid. |
BSCT161 | Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters. |
BSCT162 | One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters. |
BSCT163 | The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3. |
BSCT165 | Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSCT166 | Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option. |
BSCT167 | SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999. |
BSCT168 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSCT169 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSCT170 | SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a template. |
BSCT171 | Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSCT172 | Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSCT173 | Response COMM file id is not found in the system. |
BSCT174 | Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if recon comm file is not set for the template. |
BSCT175 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSCT176 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSCT177 | Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the template. |
BSCT178 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the template |
BSCT179 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid. |
BSCT180 | The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist. |
BSCT181 | STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT182 | STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification. |
BSCT183 | STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT186 | Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT187 | Stripe Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling Stripe Remittance Notification. |
BSCT188 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT191 | VAN can be enabled only when it is enabled for the bank. |
BSCT192 | Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account. |
BSCT194 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSCT195 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSCT196 | FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank. |
BSCT197 | FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled. |
BSCT198 | VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSCT199 | VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values. |
BSCT200 | VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSCT201 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSCT202 | Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSCT203 | A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid. |
BSCT204 | The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank. |
BSCT205 | API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled. |
BSCT208 | The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled. |
BSCT209 | The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSCT211 | API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the template. |
BSCT212 | Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the template. |
BSCT213 | A bank can have a max of <max Number> active templates. |
BSCT214 | Template Name should be unique within a bank. |
BSCT217 | Template Name is mandatory. |
BSCT233 | Template Name contains invalid. |
BSCT246 | VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid |
BSCT247 | VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled template |
Error Code | Error Description |
BSUT001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSUT002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSUT003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSUT004 | Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit. |
BSUT005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSUT006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSUT007 | You do not have permission to create a buyer template. |
BSUT101 | A few of the workflow function codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field is invalid. |
BSUT102 | Workflow Function Codes field should not to be provided if workflow Config Enabled option is not enabled. |
BSUT105 | The Auth Controls option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSUT106 | Auth controls are mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs. |
BSUT107 | Auth controls are mandatory if auth controls are mandated for the associated bank. |
BSUT108 | Auth Control configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT109 | Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled. |
BSUT110 | Issuer Holding BID should not to be provided if Auth Controls are not enabled. |
BSUT111 | Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits. |
BSUT112 | Auth Controls needs to be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled. |
BSUT113 | Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT114 | Boost payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT115 | Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT116 | Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12. |
BSUT117 | Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12. |
BSUT118 | The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT119 | The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT120 | The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT121 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT122 | The auth control option is mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account. |
BSUT123 | Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT124 | Phone1 is invalid. |
BSUT125 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSUT126 | Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT137 | Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999. |
BSUT138 | Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99. |
BSUT139 | A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSUT140 | Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT141 | Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON. |
BSUT142 | The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA. |
BSUT143 | Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT144 | The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S. |
BSUT145 | Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSUT146 | The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats. |
BSUT147 | The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT148 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT149 | The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled. |
BSUT150 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days. |
BSUT151 | Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99. |
BSUT152 | The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2. |
BSUT153 | Default Security Questions is mandatory. |
BSUT154 | Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters. |
BSUT155 | The Default Security Question has invalid characters. |
BSUT156 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSUT157 | At least one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled. |
BSUT158 | Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT159 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the template before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSUT160 | One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid. |
BSUT161 | Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters. |
BSUT162 | One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters. |
BSUT163 | The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3. |
BSUT164 | Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT165 | Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSUT166 | Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option. |
BSUT167 | SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999. |
BSUT168 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSUT169 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSUT170 | SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a template. |
BSUT171 | Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSUT172 | Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template. |
BSUT174 | Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if recon comm file is not set for the template. |
BSUT175 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSUT176 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSUT177 | Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the template. |
BSUT181 | STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT182 | STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification. |
BSUT183 | STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT184 | STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT185 | STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT186 | Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT187 | Stripe Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling Stripe Remittance Notification. |
BSUT188 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT189 | Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT190 | Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT191 | VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank. |
BSUT192 | Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account. |
BSUT193 | TSYS VPP or pseudo account configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT194 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSUT195 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSUT196 | FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank. |
BSUT197 | FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled. |
BSUT198 | VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSUT199 | VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values. |
BSUT200 | VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSUT201 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSUT202 | Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSUT203 | A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid. |
BSUT204 | The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank. |
BSUT205 | API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled. |
BSUT207 | Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT208 | The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled. |
BSUT209 | The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template. |
BSUT210 | The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUT211 | API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the template. |
BSUT212 | Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the template. |
BSUT213 | A bank can have a max of <max Number> active templates. |
BSUT215 | The Template ID provided does not exist in the system. |
BSUT216 | The Template ID provided does not exist in the system. |
BSUT217 | Template Name is mandatory. |
BSUT218 | Template Name should be unique within a bank. |
BSGT219 | Template id you provided does not exist in the system. |
BSUT224 | Please provide values for workflowConfigEnabled and workflowFunctionCodes which are related. |
BSUT225 | Please provide values for authControlEnabled, alertsEnabled and issuerHoldingBID which are related. |
BSUT226 | Please provide values for billingCurrency and allowableCurrencies which are related. |
BSUT227 | Please provide values for supplierReminderNotificationDays and supplierReminderNotificationEnabled which are related. |
BSUT228 | Please provide values for customSecurityQuestionsEnabled and customSecurityQuestions which are related. |
BSUT229 | Please provide values for stpPaymentEnabled and remittanceNotificationEnabled which are related. |
BSUT230 | Please provide values for stripePaymentEnabled and remittanceNotificationEnabled which are related. |
BSUT231 | Please provide values for vanEnabled and fcsBankId which are related. |
BSUT232 | Please provide values for webServicesEnabled, vbdsClientId and suppressSupplierNotification which are related. |
BSUT235 | Please provide values for authControlEnabled, and alertsEnabled which are related. |
BSUT234 | Template Name contains invalid value. |
BSUT248 | VCFDataFeedIndicator field cannot be updated when buyer profile sync is on |
BSUT247 | VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled template |
BSUT246 | VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid |
Error Code | Error Description |
BSGT001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSGT002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSGT003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSGT004 | Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit. |
BSGT005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSGT006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSGT007 | You do not have permission to create a buyer template |
BSGT219 | Template id you provided does not exist in the system. |
N. America | Asia-Pacific | Europe | CEMEA | LAC | Notes |
Error Code | Error Description |
BSCB001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSCB002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSCB003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSCB004 | Message ID is mandatory. |
BSCB005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSCB006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSCB007 | You do not have permission to create a buyer. |
BSCB101 | One or more Workflow Function Codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field are invalid. |
BSCB102 | Workflow Function Codes must not be provided if Workflow Config Enabled is set to false. |
BSCB103 | Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be removed when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true. |
BSCB104 | Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true. |
BSCB105 | Auth Controls must be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB106 | Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs. |
BSCB107 | Auth Controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank. |
BSCB108 | Auth Controls configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB109 | Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled. |
BSCB110 | Issuer Holding BID must not be provided if Auth Controls are disabled. |
BSCB111 | Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits. |
BSCB112 | Auth Controls must be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled. |
BSCB113 | Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB114 | Boost payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB115 | Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB116 | Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12. |
BSCB117 | Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12. |
BSCB118 | The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB119 | The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB120 | The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB121 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB122 | Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account. |
BSCB123 | Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB124 | Phone1 is invalid. |
BSCB125 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSCB126 | Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB127 | The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCB128 | The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCB129 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCB130 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCB131 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCB132 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSCB133 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCB134 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSCB135 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSCB136 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSCB137 | Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999. |
BSCB138 | Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99. |
BSCB139 | A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSCB140 | Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB141 | Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON. |
BSCB142 | The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA. |
BSCB143 | Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB144 | The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S. |
BSCB145 | Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSCB146 | The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats. |
BSCB147 | The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB148 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB149 | The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled. |
BSCB150 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days. |
BSCB151 | Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99. |
BSCB152 | The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2. |
BSCB153 | Default Security Questions is mandatory. |
BSCB154 | Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters. |
BSCB155 | The Default Security Question has invalid characters. |
BSCB156 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSCB157 | Atleast one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled. |
BSCB158 | Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB159 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the buyer before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSCB160 | One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid. |
BSCB161 | Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters. |
BSCB162 | One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters. |
BSCB163 | The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3. |
BSCB164 | Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB165 | Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSCB166 | Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option. |
BSCB167 | SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999. |
BSCB168 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSCB169 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB170 | SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a buyer. |
BSCB171 | Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB172 | Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB173 | Response COMM file id is not found in the system. |
BSCB174 | Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if reon comm file is not set for the buyer. |
BSCB175 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSCB176 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSCB177 | Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB178 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB179 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid. |
BSCB180 | The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist. |
BSCB181 | STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB182 | STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification. |
BSCB183 | STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB184 | STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB185 | STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB186 | Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB187 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB188 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB189 | Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB190 | Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB191 | VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank. |
BSCB192 | Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account. |
BSCB193 | TSYS VPP or pseudo account configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB194 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSCB195 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSCB196 | FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank. |
BSCB197 | FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled. |
BSCB198 | VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSCB199 | VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values. |
BSCB200 | VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSCB201 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSCB202 | Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSCB203 | A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid. |
BSCB204 | The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank. |
BSCB205 | API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled. |
BSCB206 | API Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB207 | Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB208 | The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled. |
BSCB209 | The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB210 | The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSCB211 | API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB212 | Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB251 | Boost Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Boost suppliers associated with it. |
BSCB252 | Company ID is mandatory. |
BSCB253 | Company ID has existed. |
BSCB254 | Buyer ID doesn't exist. |
BSCB255 | Buyer ID has existed. |
BSCB256 | Buyer Name is mandatory. |
BSCB257 | The Buyer Name is invalid. |
BSCB258 | Buyer Name must be unique in the bank. |
BSCB259 | Buyer Contact Name is mandatory. |
BSCB260 | Buyer Contact Name is invalid. |
BSCB261 | Buyer Contact Name is invalid. |
BSCB262 | Phone 1 contains invalid characters. |
BSCB263 | Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB264 | Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB265 | The extension number for Phone 1 contains invalid characters. |
BSCB266 | Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB267 | Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB268 | Phone 2 is invalid. |
BSCB269 | Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB270 | Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB271 | The extension number for Phone 2 contains invalid characters. |
BSCB272 | Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB273 | Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB274 | Phone 3 is invalid. |
BSCB275 | Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB276 | Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB277 | The extension number for Phone 3 contains invalid characters. |
BSCB278 | Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSCB279 | Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSCB280 | Address Line 1 is mandatory. |
BSCB281 | Address Line 1 is mandatory. |
BSCB282 | Email Address is mandatory. |
BSCB283 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSCB284 | Email Address is mandatory. |
BSCB285 | Email Address can't be editable if authorization control and authorization control alert are enabled. |
BSCB286 | City is mandatory. |
BSCB287 | City contains invalid characters. |
BSCB288 | State is mandatory. |
BSCB289 | State contains invalid characters |
BSCB290 | Country Code is mandatory. |
BSCB291 | Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system. |
BSCB293 | Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system. |
BSCB294 | ZipCode is mandatory. |
BSCB295 | ZipCode contains invalid characters. |
BSCB296 | Response file level is required. |
BSCB297 | Response file level is invalid. |
BSCB298 | Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B. |
BSCB299 | The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSCB300 | The COMM File ID provided for the response file outbound does not exist in the system. |
BSCB301 | Response file format is invalid. |
BSCB302 | Response file format should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB303 | Number of Recipient User Ids should not be more than 50. |
BSCB304 | One or more user ids don't have access to either VPA/Mailbox. |
BSCB305 | Recipient User IDs should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB306 | Unit ID is mandatory field when platform Code is TS1. |
BSCB307 | Agent number is a mandatory field when platform code is TS1, TS2, or FDR. |
BSCB308 | Agent Number can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB309 | The Agent Number you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB310 | Account ID option set is mandatory field when platform code is TS2. |
BSCB311 | Account ID option can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB312 | The Account ID option you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB313 | BIN is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB314 | The BIN you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB315 | Hierarchy Node ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB316 | Hierarchy Node ID can have a maximum of 7 characters |
BSCB317 | Hierarchy Level is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB318 | Hierarchy Level can have a maximum of 2 characters. |
BSCB319 | Hierarchy Level is invalid. |
BSCB320 | Process Type Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB321 | Process Type Code can have a maximum of 2 characters. |
BSCB322 | The Process Type Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB323 | Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB324 | Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters. |
BSCB325 | Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB326 | Payment Card Control Account Number can have a maximum of 16 characters. |
BSCB327 | User4Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB328 | Pricing Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSCB329 | Pricing Strategy can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB330 | The Pricing Strategy Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB331 | Authorization Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSCB332 | Authorization Strategy Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB333 | Plastic Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSCB334 | Plastic Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB335 | Plastic Code is invalid. |
BSCB336 | CMID Default Value is a mandatory field when platform code is TS2 or TUK. |
BSCB337 | CMID Default Value can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB338 | ACE Option Set field is mandatory when platform code is TS2 or TUK. |
BSCB339 | ACE Option Set can have a maximum of 5 characters. |
BSCB340 | Corporation ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB341 | Corporation ID can have a length of 2 characters. |
BSCB342 | The Corporation ID you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB343 | Principal Number is mandatory field when platform code is FDR. |
BSCB344 | Principal Number can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB345 | The Principal Number you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB346 | Map ID is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSCB347 | Map ID can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSCB348 | The Cycle Frequency is mandatory field. |
BSCB349 | The Cycle Frequency Type you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB350 | The Cycle Frequency Code is mandatory field. |
BSCB351 | Company Number is mandatory when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK. |
BSCB352 | Company Number should be in Numeric. |
BSCB353 | Company Number should be of 5 when processor type is TS1. |
BSCB354 | Company Number should be of length 7 when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK. |
BSCB355 | Hold days should be between 0 and 999. |
BSCB356 | autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token. |
BSCB357 | autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token. |
BSCB358 | SUA buckets should be enabled for the bank in order for the client to enable for a buyer. |
BSCB359 | Recon File Level is invalid. |
BSCB360 | Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B. |
BSCB361 | Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters. |
BSCB362 | The Comm File ID you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSCB363 | Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB364 | One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid. |
BSCB365 | The number of user ids should not exceed 50. |
BSCB366 | Recon file format is invalid. |
BSCB367 | Recon file format should not be sent because Recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB368 | Recon Delivery Frequency is invalid. |
BSCB369 | Delivery frequency is mandatory if data file delivery has mailbox setup. |
BSCB370 | Delivery Frequency should not be sent if data file delivery does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB371 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSCB372 | Delivery Time is invalid. |
BSCB375 | RVA Recon File Level is invalid. |
BSCB376 | Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters. |
BSCB377 | The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSCB378 | Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because virtual recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSCB379 | One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid. |
BSCB380 | The number of user ids should not exceed 50. |
BSCB381 | RVA Recon File Format is invalid. |
BSCB382 | RVA Recon File Format should not be sent if the RVA recon file is not delivered to a mailbox. |
BSCB383 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSCB384 | Delivery Frequency is invalid. |
BSCB387 | Delivery Time is invalid. |
BSCB388 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSCB390 | Delivery Time should not be given when frequency is empty. |
BSCB391 | Stripe Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Stripe suppliers associated with it. |
BSCB392 | Either VISA ADM Option ID or Master Card ADM Option ID needs to be provided if the buyer is enabled for VAN. |
BSCB393 | ADM Client Id should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSCB394 | ADM Client ID is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN. |
BSCB395 | ADM Client ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSCB396 | Processing Type should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSCB397 | Processing Type is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN. |
BSCB398 | Processing Type allows only numeric value. |
BSCB399 | STP Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active STP suppliers associated with it. |
BSCB400 | VISA ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSCB401 | VISA ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSCB402 | Master Card ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSCB403 | Master Card ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSCB404 | VAN cannot be disabled for a buyer if a SUA proxy has been configured. |
BSCB405 | Web services cannot be disabled via the Buyer Update API. Please contact your implementation resource. |
BSCB406 | Processor fields input are not valid for a bank which is not enabled for processor integration. |
BSCB407 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer. |
BSCB408 | The Template ID you provided is invalid. |
BSCB409 | Can't update company profile from Card Management. |
BSCB410 | Disabling an auth control for already enabled buyer with accounts enabled for VPC present is not allowed. |
BSCB411 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer. |
BSCB412 | Account Holder First Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment. |
BSCB413 | Account Holder Last Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment. |
BSCB414 | Client ID is invalid in webServicesConfig. |
BSCB415 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSCB416 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSCB417 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSCB418 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier. |
BSCB419 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier. |
BSCB420 | Cycle Frequency Code provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB421 | Date format is mandatory. |
BSCB422 | Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSCB423 | Client ID should be alphanumeric. |
BSCB424 | Enter a valid client ID and pass the web services that need to be enabled for the buyer. |
BSCB425 | Sub Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSCB426 | Sub Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters. |
BSCB427 | Sub Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSCB429 | VSM is not able to create the company. Please contact your Visa Implementation resource. |
BSCB439 | VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid |
BSCB440 | VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled buyer |
BSCB441 | VCFDataFeedIndicator is mandatory |
BSCB442 | VCFDataFeedIndicator set to N for a VPP enabled buyer in all the other systems |
BSCB443 | Processor config fields are required for this buyer. |
BSCB444 | The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system. |
BSCB445 | Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionType field. |
BSCB446 | The value provided for dataSubscriptionType is invalid. Only allowed values are [5001,5003,5004,5005]. |
BSCB447 | Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionAccountType field. |
BSCB448 | The value provided for dataSubscriptionAccountType is invalid. Only allowed values are [FUNA, VIPT, VPPT, MEMO, NVPA]. |
BSCB449 | The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system. |
BSCB450 | DataSubscriptionType provided is not enabled for the VBDSClientID at the bank level. |
BSCB451 | The SubscriptionAccountType and DataSubscriptionType are not enabled at the Bank for the VBDSClientID provided. |
BSCB452 | Company creation failed at the integration system. Please try again later. |
BSCB454 | Failed to retrieve company details from the integration system. Please try again later. |
Error Code | Error Description |
BSUB001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSUB002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSUB003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSUB004 | Message ID is mandatory. |
BSUB005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSUB006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSUB007 | You do not have permission to update a buyer. |
BSUB101 | One or more Workflow Function Codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field are invalid. |
BSUB102 | Workflow Function Codes must not be provided if Workflow Config Enabled is set to false. |
BSUB103 | Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be removed when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true. |
BSUB104 | Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true. |
BSUB105 | Auth Controls must be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB106 | Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs. |
BSUB107 | Auth Controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank. |
BSUB108 | Auth Controls configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB109 | Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled. |
BSUB110 | Issuer Holding BID must not be provided if Auth Controls are disabled. |
BSUB111 | Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits. |
BSUB112 | Auth Controls must be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled. |
BSUB113 | Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB114 | Boost payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB115 | Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB116 | Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12. |
BSUB117 | Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12. |
BSUB118 | The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB119 | The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB120 | The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB121 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB122 | Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account. |
BSUB123 | Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB124 | Phone1 is invalid. |
BSUB125 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSUB126 | Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB127 | The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSUB128 | The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSUB129 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSUB130 | COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSUB131 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSUB132 | The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system. |
BSUB133 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSUB134 | COMM File ID for an EDI 824 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file. |
BSUB135 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSUB136 | The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system. |
BSUB137 | Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999. |
BSUB138 | Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99. |
BSUB139 | A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSUB140 | Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB141 | Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON. |
BSUB142 | The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA. |
BSUB143 | Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB144 | The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S. |
BSUB145 | Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA. |
BSUB146 | The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats. |
BSUB147 | The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB148 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB149 | The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled. |
BSUB150 | The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days. |
BSUB151 | Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99. |
BSUB152 | The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2. |
BSUB153 | Default Security Questions is mandatory. |
BSUB154 | Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters. |
BSUB155 | The Default Security Question has invalid characters. |
BSUB156 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSUB157 | Atleast one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled. |
BSUB158 | Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB159 | The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the buyer before configuring the custom security questions. |
BSUB160 | One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid. |
BSUB161 | Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters |
BSUB162 | One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters. |
BSUB163 | The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3. |
BSUB164 | Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB165 | Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSUB166 | Processor interaUTion should be enabled in order to enable the close account option. |
BSUB167 | SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999. |
BSUB168 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled. |
BSUB169 | SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB170 | SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a buyer. |
BSUB171 | Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB172 | Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB173 | Response COMM file id is not found in the system. |
BSUB174 | Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if reon comm file is not set for the buyer. |
BSUB175 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSUB176 | Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist. |
BSUB177 | Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB178 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB179 | The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid. |
BSUB180 | The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist. |
BSUB181 | STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB182 | STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification. |
BSUB183 | STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB184 | STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB185 | STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB186 | Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB187 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB188 | Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB189 | Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB190 | Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB191 | VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank. |
BSUB192 | Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account. |
BSUB193 | TSYS VPP or pseudo account configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB194 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSUB195 | FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled. |
BSUB196 | FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank. |
BSUB197 | FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled. |
BSUB198 | VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSUB199 | VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values. |
BSUB200 | VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSUB201 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSUB202 | Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled. |
BSUB203 | A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid. |
BSUB204 | The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank. |
BSUB205 | API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled. |
BSUB206 | API Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB207 | Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB208 | The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled. |
BSUB209 | The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB210 | The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true. |
BSUB211 | API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB212 | Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the buyer |
BSUB251 | Boost Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Boost suppliers associated with it. |
BSUB252 | Company ID is mandatory. |
BSUB253 | Company ID has existed. |
BSUB254 | Buyer ID doesn't exist. |
BSUB255 | Buyer ID has existed. |
BSUB256 | Buyer Name is mandatory. |
BSUB257 | The Buyer Name is invalid. |
BSUB258 | Buyer Name must be unique in the bank. |
BSUB259 | Buyer Contact Name is mandatory. |
BSUB260 | Buyer Contact Name is invalid. |
BSUB261 | Buyer Contact Name is invalid. |
BSUB262 | Phone 1 contains invalid characters. |
BSUB263 | Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB264 | Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB265 | The extension number for Phone 1 contains invalid characters. |
BSUB266 | Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB267 | Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB268 | Phone 2 is invalid. |
BSUB269 | Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB270 | Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB271 | The extension number for Phone 2 contains invalid characters. |
BSUB272 | Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB273 | Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB274 | Phone 3 is invalid. |
BSUB275 | Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB276 | Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB277 | The extension number for Phone 3 contains invalid characters. |
BSUB278 | Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters. |
BSUB279 | Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters. |
BSUB280 | Address Line 1 is mandatory. |
BSUB281 | Address Line 1 is mandatory. |
BSUB282 | Email Address is mandatory. |
BSUB283 | Email Address is invalid. |
BSUB284 | Email Address is mandatory. |
BSUB285 | Email Address can't be editable if authorization control and authorization control alert are enabled. |
BSUB286 | City is mandatory. |
BSUB287 | City contains invalid characters. |
BSUB288 | State is mandatory. |
BSUB289 | State contains invalid characters. |
BSUB290 | Country Code is mandatory. |
BSUB291 | Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system. |
BSUB293 | Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system. |
BSUB294 | ZipCode is mandatory. |
BSUB295 | ZipCode contains invalid characters. |
BSUB296 | Response file level is required. |
BSUB297 | Response file level is invalid. |
BSUB298 | Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B. |
BSUB299 | The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSUB300 | The COMM File ID provided for the response file outbound does not exist in the system. |
BSUB301 | Response file format is invalid. |
BSUB302 | Response file format should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB303 | Number of Recipient User Ids should not be more than 50. |
BSUB304 | One or more user ids don't have access to either VPA/Mailbox. |
BSUB305 | Recipient User IDs should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB306 | Unit ID is mandatory field when platform Code is TS1. |
BSUB307 | Agent number is a mandatory field when platform code is TS1, TS2, or FDR. |
BSUB308 | Agent Number can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB309 | The Agent Number you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB310 | Account ID option set is mandatory field when platform code is TS2. |
BSUB311 | Account ID option can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB312 | The Account ID option you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB313 | BIN is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB314 | The BIN you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB315 | Hierarchy Node ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB316 | Hierarchy Node ID can have a maximum of 7 characters. |
BSUB317 | Hierarchy Level is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB318 | Hierarchy Level can have a maximum of 2 characters. |
BSUB319 | Hierarchy Level is invalid. |
BSUB320 | Process Type Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB321 | Process Type Code can have a maximum of 2 characters. |
BSUB322 | The Process Type Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB323 | Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB324 | Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters. |
BSUB325 | Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB326 | Payment Card Control Account Number can have a maximum of 16 characters. |
BSUB327 | User4Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB328 | Pricing Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSUB329 | Pricing Strategy can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB330 | The Pricing Strategy Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB331 | Authorization Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSUB332 | Authorization Strategy Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB333 | Plastic Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSUB334 | Plastic Code can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB335 | Plastic Code is invalid. |
BSUB336 | CMID Default Value is a mandatory field when platform code is TS2 or TUK. |
BSUB337 | CMID Default Value can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB338 | ACE Option Set field is mandatory when platform code is TS2 or TUK. |
BSUB339 | ACE Option Set can have a maximum of 5 characters. |
BSUB340 | Corporation ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS |
BSUB341 | Corporation ID can have a length of 2 characters. |
BSUB342 | The Corporation ID you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB343 | Principal Number is mandatory field when platform code is FDR. |
BSUB344 | Principal Number can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB345 | The Principal Number you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB346 | Map ID is mandatory field when processor type is FDR. |
BSUB347 | Map ID can have a maximum of 4 characters. |
BSUB348 | The Cycle Frequency is mandatory field. |
BSUB349 | The Cycle Frequency Type you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB350 | The Cycle Frequency Code is mandatory field. |
BSUB351 | Company Number is mandatory when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK. |
BSUB352 | Company Number should be in Numeric. |
BSUB353 | Company Number should be of 5 when processor type is TS1. |
BSUB354 | Company Number should be of length 7 when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK. |
BSUB355 | Hold days should be between 0 and 999. |
BSUB356 | autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token. |
BSUB357 | autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token. |
BSUB358 | SUA buckets should be enabled for the bank in order for the client to enable for a buyer. |
BSUB359 | Recon File Level is invalid. |
BSUB360 | Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B. |
BSUB361 | Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters. |
BSUB362 | The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSUB363 | Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB364 | One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid. |
BSUB365 | The number of user ids should not exceed 50. |
BSUB366 | Recon file format is invalid. |
BSUB367 | Recon file format should not be sent because Recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB368 | Recon Delivery Frequency is invalid. |
BSUB369 | Delivery frequency is mandatory if data file delivery has mailbox setup. |
BSUB370 | Delivery Frequency should not be sent if data file delivery does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB371 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSUB372 | Delivery Time is invalid. |
BSUB375 | RVA Recon File Level is invalid. |
BSUB376 | Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters. |
BSUB377 | The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system. |
BSUB378 | Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because virtual recon file does not have mailbox setup. |
BSUB379 | One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid. |
BSUB380 | The number of user ids should not exceed 50. |
BSUB381 | RVA Recon File Format is invalid. |
BSUB382 | RVA Recon File Format should not be sent if the RVA recon file is not delivered to a mailbox. |
BSUB383 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSUB384 | Delivery Frequency is invalid. |
BSUB387 | Delivery Time is invalid. |
BSUB388 | Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time. |
BSUB390 | Delivery Time should not be given when frequency is empty. |
BSUB391 | Stripe Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Stripe suppliers associated with it. |
BSUB392 | Either VISA ADM Option ID or Master Card ADM Option ID needs to be provided if the buyer is enabled for VAN. |
BSUB393 | ADM Client Id should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSUB394 | ADM Client ID is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN. |
BSUB395 | ADM Client ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSUB396 | Processing Type should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSUB397 | Processing Type is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN. |
BSUB398 | Processing Type allows only numeric value. |
BSUB399 | STP Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active STP suppliers associated with it. |
BSUB400 | VISA ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSUB401 | VISA ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSUB402 | Master Card ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled. |
BSUB403 | Master Card ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value. |
BSUB404 | VAN cannot be disabled for a buyer if a SUA proxy has been configured. |
BSUB405 | Web services cannot be disabled via the Buyer Update API. Please contact your implementation resource. |
BSUB406 | Processor fields input are not valid for a bank which is not enabled for processor integration. |
BSUB407 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer. |
BSUB408 | The Template ID you provided is invalid. |
BSUB409 | Can't update company profile from Card Management. |
BSUB410 | Disabling an auth control for already enabled buyer with accounts enabled for VPC present is not allowed. |
BSUB411 | The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer. |
BSUB412 | Account Holder First Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment. |
BSUB413 | Account Holder Last Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment. |
BSUB414 | Client ID is invalid in webServicesConfig. |
BSUB415 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSUB416 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSUB417 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status. |
BSUB418 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier. |
BSUB419 | One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier. |
BSUB420 | Cycle Frequency Code provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB421 | Date format must be mandatory. |
BSUB422 | Client ID should not be more than 50 characters. |
BSUB423 | Client ID should be alphanumeric. |
BSUB424 | Enter a valid client ID and pass the web services that need to be enabled for the buyer. |
BSUB425 | Sub Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS. |
BSUB426 | Sub Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters. |
BSUB427 | Sub Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid. |
BSUB428 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
BSUB443 | Processor config fields are required for this buyer. |
BSUB444 | The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system. |
BSUB445 | Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionType field. |
BSUB446 | The value provided for dataSubscriptionType is invalid. Only allowed values are [5001,5003,5004,5005]. |
BSUB447 | Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionAccountType field. |
BSUB448 | The value provided for dataSubscriptionAccountType is invalid. Only allowed values are [FUNA, VIPT, VPPT, MEMO, NVPA]. |
BSUB449 | The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system. |
BSUB450 | DataSubscriptionType provided is not enabled for the VBDSClientID at the bank level. |
BSUB451 | The SubscriptionAccountType and DataSubscriptionType are not enabled at the Bank for the VBDSClientID provided. |
BSUB453 | Company update failed at the integration system. Please try again later. |
Error Code | Error Description |
BSGB001 | The field <fieldName> is mandatory. |
BSGB002 | The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>. |
BSGB003 | The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid. |
BSGB004 | Message ID is mandatory. |
BSGB005 | Message ID should be unique. |
BSGB006 | Client ID is invalid. |
BSGB007 | You do not have permission to retrieve a buyer. |
BSGB428 | Buyer ID is mandatory. |
BSGB454 | Failed to retrieve company details from the integration system. Please try again later. |
Error Code | Error Description |
HCS001 | Service is Up |
HCS002 | Service is Down |
HCS003 | We are unable to determine the system status due to a technical issue |
HCS004 | Client ID is invalid |
HCS005 | Service provided is invalid |