B2B Virtual Account Payment Method Error Codes


The tables in the sections below list the possible error codes for each of the B2B Virtual Account Payment Method APIs. The codes are listed by web service and the tables are separated by API.  Refer to the documentation page for more information. 

Account Management Service

The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Account Management APIs. These include:

Virtual Card Requisition

Virtual Card Requisition
Error Code Error Description 
V005 Message ID is required.
V006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
V002 Message ID is not unique.
V008 Client ID is required.
V72904 Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
V003 Client ID is invalid.
V011 Buyer ID is required.
V012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
V004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
V071 Account number is invalid.
V516 Account number you have provided is invalid.
V72928 Proxy Pool ID is mandatory.
V72927 Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19 digits.
V72801 Proxy Pool ID you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72802 The first character of the Proxy Pool ID you have provided is invalid.
V72803 The second character of the Proxy Pool ID you have provided is invalid.
V12586 The second character should be a digit from 1 to 9.
V72806 First name cannot be more than 60 characters.
V72805 First name you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72891 First name is mandatory.
V72808 Last name can not be more than 60 characters.
V72807 Last name you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72892 Last name is mandatory.
V72809 Employee ID  contains invalid characters.
V72810 Employee ID cannot be more than 10 characters.
V72893 Employee ID is mandatory.
V72813 Company Admin Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters.
V72814 Company Email ID you have provided is invalid.
V72896 Company Admin Email ID is mandatory.
V72811 Email ID can not be more than 128 characters.
V72812 Email ID you have provided is invalid.
V72895 Email ID is mandatory.
V72815 Cost center you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72816 Cost center can not be more than 50 characters.
V72817 GL you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72818 GL can not be more than 76 characters.
V72819 Address Line 1 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72820 Address Line 1  can not be more than 100 characters.
V72821 Address Line 2 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72822 Address Line 2  can not be more than 100 characters.
V72823 City you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72824 City cannot be more than 60 characters.
V72825 State you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72826 State can not be more than 12 characters.
V72827 Postal code you have provided  contains invalid characters.
V72828 Postal code can not be more than 14 characters.
V72829 Country code you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72830 Country code cannot be more than 5 characters.
V72924 State code is invalid.
V72929 Country code is mandatory.
V72831 Optional Field 1 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72832 Optional Field 1  cannot be more than 100 characters.
V72832 Optional Field 2 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72833 Optional Field 2 can not be more than 100 characters.
V72834 Optional Field 3 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72835 Optional Field 3 can not be more than 100 characters.
V72836 Optional Field 4 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72837 Optional Field 4 can not be more than 100 characters.
V72838 Optional Field 5 you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72839 Optional Field 5 can not be more than 100 characters.
V72913 At least one RequisitionDetail is mandatory.
V72847 Time zone can not be more than 12 characters.
V72848 Time zone you have provided contains invalid characters.
V72898 Time zone should start with UTC.
V72922 Time zone format is invalid. Valid formats include: UTC - 8, UTC + 06:30,  UTC + 5:30, UTC+04.
V72897 Time zone is mandatory.
V72841 Start date can not be more than 10 characters.
V72842 Start date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
V72844 End date cannot be more than 10 characters.
V72845 End date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
V72846 End date should not be in the past.
V72916 End date should not be less than start date.
V72894 End date is mandatory.
V72932 Rule code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code.
V72849 Rule code <Rule code sent in the request> is not valid.
V72931 Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code.
V72850 Sequence is mandatory for all rules.  Provide a valid sequence for the rule. <Rule code for which the sequence is empty>
V72919 Sequence number should be within the 0 to 999 range.
V72852 Override code cannot be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule>
V72933 Override code is mandatory for all rules with overrides.  Provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for which the Override code is empty>
V72855 Override value  provided for the rule <Rule code for which the override value is invalid> contains invalid characters.
V72856 Override value can not be more than 8 characters.  Please provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule>
V72934 Override value is mandatory for all rules with overrides.  Provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for which the override value is empty>
V025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
V72918 Country code entered is not a valid ISO-3 Alpha Country Code.
V72858 The start date and end dates you have provided should not overlap.
V72900 Buyer is not subscribed for VVAM.
V72804 Proxy Pool ID you have provided is not yet setup.
V72906 Only one period is allowed for single use cards.
V72861 No card accounts are available in the proxy pool sent in the request.
V72911 Account number is not present in system.
V016 Request could not be processed successfully.
V12674 Requested rule parent value sequence is invalid.
V12675 Incorrect format of min/max values in MCCB or MCCX.
V12676 Override value provided exceeds the allowed limit (length).
V12677 Rules could not be set on the card due to system error. Please try again shortly.
V12678 Currency code provided is invalid or not specified.
V12679 Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified.
V12680 The card number provided is not associated with your financial institution.
V12681 Amount Value is invalid or not specified.
V12682 Override Code or ParentOverrideCode is incorrect.
V12683 Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified.
V12684 minValue is invalid or not specified
V12685 Tolerance Rule contains invalid min/max amount values.
V12686 This card number is currently enrolled for controls. Please use refresh or update if you intend to update details.
V12687 Invalid SPV rule. Max Auth value is invalid or not specified.
V12688 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is invalid or not specified.
V12689 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is only allowed for range type 1.
V12690 Jurisdiction Merchant Country is invalid or not specified.
V12691 Amount Currency Code is invalid or not specified.
V12692 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day and date ranges are not allowed for weekly range type.
V12693 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day, day of the week and date ranges are not allowed for daily range type.
V12696 Invalid SPV rule. Timezone is not supported for SPV.
V12697 Duplicate Rules request is not allowed.
V12698 The funding account associated with this proxy has already expired. Please update the expiration date.

Manage Payment Controls

Manage Payment Controls
Error Code Error Description 
M005 Message ID is required.
M006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
M002 Message ID is not unique.
M008 Client ID is required.
M72904 Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
M003 Client ID is invalid.
M011 Buyer ID is required.
M012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
M004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
M72909 Account number is mandatory.
M72910 Luhn Check failed for the account number.
M071 Account number is invalid.
M516 Account number you have provided is invalid.
M573 Source field should be less than 10 characters.
M72896 Company Admin Email ID is mandatory.
M72813 Company Admin Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters.
M72814 Company Email ID you have provided is invalid.
M72895 Email ID is mandatory.
M72811 Email ID cannot be more than 128 characters.
M72812 Email ID you have provided is invalid.
M72847 Time zone cannot be more than 12 characters.
M72848 Time zone you have provided contains invalid characters.
M72898 Time zone should start with UTC.
M72922 Time zone format is invalid. Valid formats include: UTC - 8, UTC + 06:30,  UTC + 5:30, UTC+04
M72897 Time zone is mandatory.
M72840 Start date you have provided contains invalid characters.
M72841 Start date cannot be more than 10 characters.
M72842 Start date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format.
M72843 End date you have provided contains invalid characters.
M72844 End date can not be more than 10 characters.
M72845 End Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. 
M72846 End date should not be in the past.
M72916 End date should not be less than start date.
M72894 End date is mandatory.
M72907 Action is mandatory.
M72862 Action value sent in the request is invalid.
M72932 Rule code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code.
M72849 Rule code <Rule code sent in the request> is not valid.
M72931 Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code.
M72850 Sequence is mandatory for all rules.  Provide a valid sequence for the rule. <Rule code for which the sequence is empty>
M72919 Sequence number should be within 0 to 999 range.
M72851 Override code provided for the rule <Rule code for which the override code is invalid> contains invalid characters.
M72852 Override code can not be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule>
M72933 Override code is mandatory for all rules with overrides. Provide a valid override code for the rule. <Rule code for which the override code is empty>
M72855 Override value  provided for the rule <Rule code for which the over ride value is invalid> contains invalid characters.
M72856 Override value can not be more than 8 characters.  Please provide a valid override value for the rule. <Rule code for the erroneous rule>
M72934 Override value is mandatory for all rules with overrides.  Provide a valid override value for the rule <Rule code for which the override value is empty>
M025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
M72906 Only one period is allowed for single use cards.
M72905 Date range and rule code of the request is overlapping with data available in system.
M72912 No records found in database for the requested operation.
M72902 Refresh action should not be followed by any other action.
M016 Request could not be processed successfully.
M12658 MCG rule action can only be set to Allow or Block.
M12659 Allow Card Acceptor (CAID) and Block Card Acceptor (CAIDB) cannot be set together on an account.
M12660 Allow Merchant Category (MCCX) and Block Merchant Category (MCCB) cannot be set together on an account.
M12661 Block Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account.
M12662 Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account.
M12663 Allow State-level transaction restrictions (DOM) and Block State-level transaction restrictions (DOMB) cannot be set together on an account.
M12664 Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCB rule cannot be set together on an account.
M12665 NOTFUEL cannot be set with MCCB or MCCX.
M12666 Allow/Block Merchant Category Group rule/s cannot be set with NOTFUEL.
M12667 You must select either to block or allow countries. You cannot do both.
M12668 mccRanges are overlapped for MCCB control.
M12669 mccRanges are overlapped for MCCX control.
M12670 CAID Value is invalid or not specific.
M12671 Min MCC is invalid or not specified.
M12672 Max MCC is invalid or not specified.
M12673 Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value.
M12674 Requested rule parent value sequence is invalid.
M12675 Incorrect format of min/max values in MCCB or MCCX.
M12676 Override value provided exceeds the allowed limit (length).
M12677 Rules could not be set on the card due to system error. Please try again shortly.
M12678 Currency code provided is invalid or not specified.
M12679 Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified.
M12680 The card number provided is not associated with your financial institution.
M12681 Amount Value is invalid or not specified.
M12682 Override Code or ParentOverrideCode is incorrect.
M12683 Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified.
M12684 minValue is invalid or not specified
M12685 Tolerance Rule contains invalid min/max amount values.
M12686 This card number is currently enrolled for controls. Please use refresh or update if you intend to update details.
M12687 Invalid SPV rule. Max Auth value is invalid or not specified.
M12688 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is invalid or not specified.
M12689 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring Day is only allowed for range type 1.
M12690 Jurisdiction Merchant Country is invalid or not specified.
M12691 Amount Currency Code is invalid or not specified.
M12692 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day and date ranges are not allowed for weekly range type.
M12693 Invalid SPV rule. Recurring day, day of the week and date ranges are not allowed for daily range type.
M12696 Invalid SPV rule. Timezone is not supported for SPV.
M12697 Duplicate Rules request is not allowed.

List Payment Control

List Payment Control
Error Code Error Desciption 
GP035 Message ID is invalid.
GP003 Client ID is invalid.
GP004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
GP005 Account number is invalid.
GP002 Message ID is not unique.
GP025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
GP016 Request could not be processed successfully.

Get Account Status

Get Account Status
Error Code Error Description 
MC035 Message ID is invalid.
MC003 Client ID is invalid.
MC004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
MC008 Supplier ID is invalid.
MC065 Account Request ID is invalid.
MC002 Message ID is not unique.
MC025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
MC062 Supplier ID does not exist.
MC063 Account Request ID does not exist in the system.
MC064 Account Request ID does not belong to this buyer and supplier combination.
MC001 Account request successful.
MC059 Account created and activation pending.
MC061 Account creation pending.
MC060 Account creation failed.
MC016 Request could not be processed successfully.

Get Security Code

Get Security Code
Error code Error Description 
CVV035 Message ID is invalid.
CVV003 Client ID is invalid.
CVV004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
CVV005 Account number is invalid.
CVV055 Account expiration date is invalid.
CVV056 Account expiration date is in the past.
CVV002 Message ID is not unique.
CVV025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
CVV057 Bank and buyer should be enabled for CVV2.
CVV017 Account does not exist in system.
CVV001 Security code retrieved successfully.
CVV058 Security code unavailable. Please contact your buyer.
CVV016 Request could not be processed successfully.

Request Virtual Account

Request Virtual Account
Response Code Response Description 
12611 Action is mandatory. Action code should be A/U/D.
12612 Invalid Action. Action code should be A/U/D.
7014 Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time.
00 Request processed successfully.
12624 No Requisition card details found.
12616 Add payment control could not be processed successfully.
12613 Request could not be processed successfully. Failed to generate token.
12615 Request could not be processed successfully. Failed to load funding account details to generate token.
7000 Message id is not Unique
7023 Bank or buyer is not subscribed for service.
7304 Web service method is invalid.
7002 Buyer details you have provided  is invalid.
8230 Proxy number provided in the request is not active.
7001 Invalid Client ID
12537 Optional Field Name contains invalid characters.
12538 Optional Field Name cannot be more than 50 characters.
12589 Sequence number should be within 0 to 999 range.
12560 Sequence is mandatory for all rules.  Provide a valid sequence for the rule <ruleCode for which sequence is empty>
12625 Sequence number is mandatory. 
12562 Over ride code provided for the rule <ruleCode for erroneous rule> contains invalid characters
12563 Over ride code can not be more than 50 characters. Please provide a valid over ride code for the rule <ruleCode for erroneous rule>
12606 OverrideCode is mandatory for all rules with over rides.  Provide a valid Over ride code for the rule <ruleCode for which the overrideCode is empty>
12566 Over ride value contains invalid characters
12567 Override value cannot be more than 100 characters. Please provide a valid override value for the rule <ruleCode for the erroneous rule>
12608 OverrideValue is mandatory for all rules with over rides.  Provide a valid Over ride Value for the rule <ruleCode for which the overrideValue is empty>
12556 Time Zone can not be more than 12 characters
12557 Time Zone you have provided contains invalid characters
12558 Time zone should start with UTC. 
12592 Time zone format is invalid. Supported formats are UTC+h, UTC-h, UTC+hh, UTC-hh, UTC+hh:mm, UTC-hh:mm.
12555 Time Zone is mandatory. 
12549 Start Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid start date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format.
12553 End Date you have provided is invalid. Please provide a valid end date in YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. 
12554 End Date should not be in the past
12550 End Date is mandatory
12622 At least one requisition rule is mandatory.
7297 MessageID is Required
7298 MessageID cannot be more than 36 characters
7302 BuyerID is Required
8986 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters
8993 Account Number is Invalid.
12626 Account number length should be 16 characters
12627 Account Number is Mandatory
12500 ProxyPoolId is mandatory
12501 Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19. 
12502 Proxy Pool ID you have \r\nprovided contains invalid characters
12617 Invalid Number of Cards.
12618 Number of cards value should be a number.
12619 Number of cards is mandatory.
12620 Account number should be blank.
12605 Rule Code cannot contain special characters. Enter a valid rule code
12559 Rule code <ruleCode sent in the request> is not valid.
12604 Rule code is mandatory. Please provide a valid rule code. 
12633 One of the spend category rules (Exact Match Rule/Spend Velocity Rule/ Tolerance rule) is mandatory for requisitions.
12623 At least one override rule is mandatory.
12629 Optional Field Value contains invalid characters.
12630 Optional Field Value should not be more than 100 characters.
400 Invalid Request Received.
12632 The number of accounts you have requested exceeds the maximum allowed limit.
12635 The pseudo account type set for the SUA proxy does not match the pseudo account type set up for the buyer.
12637 Currency code passed in the request is not configured as one of the allowed currencies for the buyer.
12638 MCC ranges corresponding to the MCC groups you have chosen have exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 10.
12639 MCC ranges corresponding to the MCC group you have chosen are overlapping with the MCC ranges chosen for the other MCG rule.
12640 The startRange and endRange overrides are mandatory for the other MCG rule.
12634 Overrides rule size exceeds the maximum limit.
4207 Payment gross amount is not equal to the sum of the invoice amounts.
4005 Payment expiration date provided is in the past.
4206 Buyer ID is invalid.
2010 The buyer product type (i.e. credit vs. prepaid) does not match the bank product type.
4209 The card account/proxy chosen for the payment is invalid.
4217 Adjustable limit accounts cannot be used when processor interaction is disabled.
4219 Payment currency code is invalid.
4218 Payment currency code does not match the buyer's currency code.
4216 The account is currently being used for another transaction.
7291 Account is deleted.
4016 More than one payment instruction found with the same reference ID.
4011 Payment instruction is expired.
4013 Requisition request is expired.
4012 Payment instruction is matched.
4014 Requisition request is matched.
4015 Not a valid reference ID for update.
2009 CVV2 must be enabled at the bank, buyer, and supplier level for prepaid payments.
12652 Spend Velocity override code velocity field and  startDate/endDate fields are not allowed together. 
12653 The start date for the Spend Velocity authorization rule should be either current date or in the future and the End date should be after the start date
12654 The start and end date overrides (parameters) are mandatory for the Spend Velocity authorization rule to be set. 
12655 System error occurred while processing your requisition update request. Please try your request after some time. 
12656 Velocity limits Daily/Weekly/Monthly are NOT allowed.
12642 No active records found for canceling the requisition. Please send the correct requisition details (account number, start, end date) to cancel the request.
12641 The requisition you are trying to cancel could not be found. Please send the correct requisition details (account number, start, end date) to cancel the request.
12658 MCG rule action can only be set to Allow or Block.
12659 Allow Card Acceptor (CAID) and Block Card Acceptor (CAIDB) cannot be set together on an account.
12660 Allow Merchant Category (MCCX) and Block Merchant Category (MCCB) cannot be set together on an account.
12661 Block Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account
12662 Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCX rule cannot be set together on an account
12663 Allow State-level transaction restrictions (DOM) and Block State-level transaction restrictions (DOMB) cannot be set together on an account
12664 Allow Merchant Category rule(s) and MCCB rule cannot be set together on an account
12665 NOTFUEL cannot be set with MCCB or MCCX
12666 Allow/Block Merchant Category Group rule/s. cannot be set with NOTFUEL.
12667 You must select either to block or allow countries. You cannot do both
12668 mccRanges are overlapped for MCCB control.
12669 mccRanges are overlapped for MCCX control.
12670 CAID Value is invalid or not specified.
12671 Min MCC is invalid or not specified
12672 Max MCC is invalid or not specified
12673 Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value
12679 Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified
12683 Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified
12678 Invalid amountCurrencyCode for the SPV rule.
12673 Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value
12672 Max MCC is invalid or not specified
7157 System error. Request not processed due to internal error.
12703 The CAID value provided in the request is invalid. CAID value should contain only up to 15 alphanumeric characters
12679 Invalid SPV rule. Spending Limit provided is invalid or not specified
12683 Invalid SPV rule. Range Type is invalid or not specified
12678 Invalid amountCurrencyCode for the SPV rule.
12673 Min MCC must be less than or equal to max MCC value
12672 Max MCC is invalid or not specified
7157 System error. Request not processed due to internal error.
12703 The CAID value provided in the request is invalid. CAID value should contain only up to 15 alphanumeric characters

Get Payment Controls

Error Code  Error Description 
AMGP000 Payment control details retrieved successfully.
AMGP001 Error occurred while retreiving the payment control details for the account.
AMGP002 Message ID is mandatory.
AMGP003 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
AMGP004 Message ID already exists.
AMGP005 Client ID is mandatory.
AMGP006 Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
AMGP007 Client ID has invalid characters.
AMGP008 Buyer ID is mandatory.
AMGP009 Buyer ID should not be more than 15 characters.
AMGP010 Buyer ID should be numeric.
AMGP011 Buyer ID does not exist. 
AMGP012 Account Number is mandatory.
AMGP013 Account Number should be between 4 and 19 digits in length.
AMGP014 Account Number should be numeric.
AMGP015 Account Number should be between 4 and 19 digits in length.
AMGP016 Account Number does not exist in the system.
AMGP017 Account Number does not exist in the system.
AMGP018 Client ID is invalid.
AMGP019 Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the GetPaymentControls API.
AMGP020 Error occurred while processing your request. Please retry your request after some time.
AMGP021 Account is not registered for authorization controls.
AMGP022 There are multiple accounts matching the partial account number you have passed in the request.  Please provide the full account number or the necessary digits to identify the account uniquely.

Add Funding Account


Status Code Status Description 
AMCF000 Funding Account has been created successfully.
AMCF001 Error occurred while adding the Funding Account



Error Code Error Description 
AMCF001 Message ID is mandatory
AMCF002 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters
AMCF003 Message ID already exists
AMCF004 Client ID is mandatory
AMCF005 Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters
AMCF006 Invalid Client ID
AMCF007 Buyer ID is mandatory
AMCF008 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters
AMCF009 Buyer ID should be numeric
AMCF010 Funding Account is not applicable for a buyer which is only enabled for regular accounts
AMCF011 Account Number is mandatory
AMCF012 Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits
AMCF013 Account Number should be numeric
AMCF014 Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length
AMCF015 The first funding account should always be marked as default
AMCF016 ExpirationDate should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD
AMCF016 Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time
AMCF017 ExpirationDate should not be in the past
AMCF018 Expiration Date field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank
AMCF019 Credit Limit should be numeric
AMCF020 Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits
AMCF021 Credit Limit field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank
AMCF022 Currency Code is mandatory
AMCF023 Currency Code should be 3 characters in length
AMCF024 Currency Code is either not supported in VPA or is not enabled for the buyer
AMCF025 Funding Account Number already exists
AMCF026 Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer
AMCF027 Error occurred while retrieving the funding account details from the processor
AMCF028 Error occurred while registering the funding account for Auth Controls
AMCF029 Funding Account Number does not exist in the system
AMCF032 The expiration date should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank.
AMCF033 The Credit Limit should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank.
AMCF034 The first funding account should always be marked as default.
AMCF036 The flag ‘blockPurchases’ is not applicable for TSYS VPP buyers. Please remove the flag from the API request and retry. Please work with your issuer to modify settings at TSYS.
AMCF591 The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match with the allowed currencies for the buyer.  Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment.


Update Funding Account


Error Code Error Description 
AMUF001 Message ID is mandatory.
AMUF002 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
AMUF003 Message ID already exists.
AMUF004 Client ID is mandatory.
AMUF005 Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters.
AMUF006 Client ID is invalid.
AMUF007 Buyer ID is mandatory.
AMUF008 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
AMUF009 Buyer ID should be numeric.
AMUF011 Account Number is mandatory.
AMUF012 Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits.
AMUF013 Account Number should be numeric.
AMUF014 Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length.
AMUF015 Invalid Default account.
AMUF016 ExpirationDate should be of the format YYYY-MM-DD.
AMUF017 ExpirationDate should not be in the past.
AMUF018 Expiration Date field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank.
AMUF019 Credit Limit should be numeric.
AMUF020 Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits.
AMUF021 Credit Limit field is mandatory if processor integration is not enabled for the bank.
AMUF023 Currency Code should be 3 characters in length.
AMUF024 Currency Code is either not supported in VPA or is not enabled for the buyer.
AMUF026 Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer.
AMUF029 Funding Account Number does not exists in the system.
AMUF030 Funding Account's billing currency cannot be changed if tokens are already generated for it.
AMUF031 Default option for the Funding Account cannot be disabled.
AMUF032 The expiration date should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank.
AMUF033 The Credit Limit should not be provided if processor integration is on for the bank.
AMUF035 Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the ManageFundingAccount API.
AMUF036 The flag ‘blockPurchases’ is not applicable for TSYS VPP buyers. Please remove the flag from the API request and retry. Please work with your issuer to modify settings at TSYS.
AMUF591 The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match with the allowed currencies for the buyer.  Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment.
AMUF000 Funding Account has been updated successfully.
AMUF692 Invalid value for Action. The supported values are U or D.
AMUF693 Few or more of the virtual accounts are still in use. Please delete/cancel those transactions and or deactivate the cards to delete the funding account.
AMUF694 There are active proxies associated with the funding account. Please delete them to delete the funding account.

Get Funding Account Details

Error Code Error Description 
AMGF001 Message ID is mandatory.
AMGF002 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
AMGF003 Message ID already exists.
AMGF004 Client ID is mandatory.
AMGF005 Client ID cannot be more than 50 characters.
AMGF006 Client ID is invalid.
AMGF007 Buyer ID is mandatory.
AMGF008 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
AMGF009 Buyer ID should be not numeric.
AMGF011 Account Number is mandatory.
AMGF012 Account Number cannot be more than 19 digits.
AMGF013 Account Number should be numeric.
AMGF014 Account Number should be between 16 to 19 digits in length.
AMGF016 Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time.
AMGF026 Funding Account Number is already setup for a different buyer.
AMGF029 Funding Account Number does not exists in the system.
AMGF035 Bank/Buyer is not enabled for the ManageFunding account API.
AMGF000 Funding Account has been retrieved successfully.

Get Requisition Details

Error Code Error Description 
12624 No Requisition card details found.
7014 Request could not be processed successfully. Please try your request again after some time
12616 Add payment control could not be processed successfully.
7297 MessageID is Required
7298 MessageID cannot be more than 36 characters
7302 BuyerID is Required
8986 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters
7002 Buyer details you have provided  is invalid.
7300 ClientID is Required
12597 Client Id should not be more than 50 characters
7001 Invalid Client ID
12627 Account Number is Mandatory
12626 Account number length should be 16 characters
8993 Account Number is Invalid
9277 Account number you have provided is invalid
9279 Account number provided in the request is already associated with the proxy number
7023 Bank or Buyer is not yet setup
7000 Non Unique Message Id

Proxy Service

The Error Codes in this section pertain to Proxy Service APIs. These include:

SUA Get Account Status

SUA Get Account Status
Error Code Error Description 
GAS005 Message ID is required.
GAS006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
GAS008 Client ID is required.
GAS009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
GAS010 Client ID is invalid.
GAS011 Buyer ID is required.
GAS012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
GAS013 Buyer ID is invalid.
GAS512 Proxy number contains invalid characters.
GAS727 Proxy number is required.
GAS535 Account Request ID is required.
GAS536 Account Request ID cannot be more than 10 characters.
GAS533 Account Request ID contains invalid characters.
GAS002 Message ID is not unique.
GAS007 Message ID is a duplicate.
GAS025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
GAS003 Client ID is invalid.
GAS004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
GAS511 Proxy number provided does not match buyer records.
GAS534 Account Request ID does not exist.
GAS537 Account Request ID is not associated with this proxy number.
GAS538 Account Request ID is not associated with this proxy number or with this buyer.
MPA517 Message ID is not unique.
GAS517 Proxy number provided in the request is not active.
GAS539 Account creation request is still in progress.
GAS531 Get Account Status completed successfully.
532 System exception.

Manage Proxy

Error Code Error Description 
MPA005 Message ID is required.
MPA006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
MPA008 Client ID is required.
MPA009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
MPA010 Client ID is invalid.
MPA011 Buyer ID is required.
MPA012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
MPA013 Buyer ID is invalid.
MPA503 Action type is invalid.
MPA502 Action type is mandatory.
MPA066 Account limit contains invalid characters
MPA067 Account limit, length, or precision is invalid or does not match with allowed limit.
MPA188 Maximum invoice limit entered.
MPA071 Account number is invalid.
MPA504 Account number is required for action types 1, 2, and 3.
MPA505 Expiration date is required.
MPA075 Expiration date is invalid. Supported date format is MM/YYYY.
MPA535 Expiration date should not be provided.
MPA536 Account number should not be provided.
MPA510 Total accounts required must be a digit between 1 to 100.
MPA508 Total accounts requested should contain only numbers.
MPA509 Total accounts requested is required for action type 4.
MPA538 Total accounts requested should not be provided.
MPA512 Proxy number contains invalid characters.
12700 Proxy number length should be between 1 and 19.
9296 Proxy number is required. 
MPA506 ProxyAccountDetails tag is required
MPA007 Message ID is a duplicate.
MPA025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
MPA087  Web service method is invalid.
MPA511 Proxy number provided does not match the buyer records.
9285 Account number belongs to a different proxy or different proxy of a different buyer.
MPA518 Account number provided in the request is already associated with the proxy number.
MPA519 Account number provided in the request is not associated with the proxy number.
MPA531 Account limit does not match the proxy bucket amount.
MPA065 If card type is 2 (Fixed), the account limit is required.
9781 VRZ proxies cannot be updated.
MPA527 Account limit is applicable only for fixed type proxies.
MPA8230 Proxy number provided in the request is not active.
MPA533 Expiration date cannot be updated for account type 1.
MPA517 Proxy number provided in the request is not active.
MPA516 Account number you have provided is invalid.
MPA520 Account number provided in the request is already deleted.
MPA521 Account number cannot be deleted. It has open transactions.
MPA523 Account number cannot be deleted. It has pending VPC registration.
MPA522 New accounts cannot be requested. This proxy has pending card requests.
MPA110 Request schema validated success.
MPA001 Proxy account added successfully.
MPA004 Proxy account addition failed. Error registering auth controls.
MPA002 Proxy account updated successfully.
MPA003 Proxy account deactivated successfully.
MPA525 Proxy accounts requested successfully.

Create Proxy Pool

Error Code Error Description 
PMCP001 Error occurred while creating the proxy pool.
PMCP002 Message ID should be unique.
PMCP005 Message ID is mandatory.
PMCP006 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
PMCP007 Message ID contains invalid characters.
PMCP008 Client ID is mandatory
PMCP009 Client ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMCP011 Buyer ID is mandatory.
PMCP012 Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMCP013 Buyer ID contains invalid characters.
PMCP014 Proxy Account Number is mandatory.
PMCP015 Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters.
PMCP016 Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters.
PMCP017 Funding Account Number should not be more than 16 digits.
PMCP018 Funding Account Number contains invalid characters.
PMCP019 Proxy Account Type field should be either 1 or 2.
PMCP057 Auth Control Enabled field should be either True or False.
PMCP023 Initial Order Count should not be more than 9 digits.
PMCP024 Initial Order Count should be numeric.
PMCP025 Reorder Count should not be more than 9 digits.
PMCP026 Reorder Count should be numeric.
PMCP027 Credit Limit should be numeric.
PMCP028 Credit limit should be a positive integer.
PMCP029 Credit limit should be a positive integer.
PMCP030 Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits.
PMCP031 Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> already exists in the system.
PMCP032 Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy.
PMCP033 Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy.
PMCP034 Funding Account Number is not applicable for a Buyer using regular accounts.
PMCP035 Funding Account Number is invalid.
PMCP036 Auth Control is mandatory for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts or VANs.
PMCP038 Initial Order Count is mandatory.
PMCP039 Reorder Count is mandatory.
PMCP040 Credit limit needs to be provided only if the fixed credit limit is enabled for the bank/buyer.
PMCP041 Credit Limit is not allowed for Proxy Account Type 1.
PMCP042 Credit Limit is not applicable for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts.
PMCP043 Auth Control is mandatory for a buyer if it is mandated for the associated bank.
PMCP047 Proxy Account Type 1 is invalid for a buyer enabled for VPP or pseudo accounts.
PMCP048 Proxy Pool type field should be either 1 or 2.
PMCP049 Client ID is not found in the system.
PMCP050 Buyer ID is not found in the system.
PMCP051 Minimum Available Accounts contains invalid characters.
PMCP052 Minimum Available Accounts should not be more than 9 digits.
PMCP053 Minimum Available Accounts is mandatory.
PMCP054 Minimum Available Accounts should be greater than 0.
PMCP055 Minimum Available Accounts should be less than Initial Order Count
PMCP056 Minimum Available Accounts should only be provided if auto replenishment is enabled for the buyer.

Update Proxy Pool

Error Code Error Description 
PMUP001 Error occurred while updating the proxy pool.
PMUP002 Message ID should be unique.
PMUP005 Message ID is mandatory.
PMUP006 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
PMUP007 Message ID contains invalid characters.
PMUP008 Client ID is mandatory.
PMUP009 Client ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMUP011 Buyer ID is mandatory.
PMUP012 Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMUP013 Buyer ID contains invalid characters.
PMUP014 Proxy Account Number is mandatory.
PMUP015 Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters.
PMUP016 Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters.
PMUP017 Funding Account Number should not be more than 16 digits.
PMUP018 Funding Account Number contains invalid characters.
PMUP019 Proxy Account Type field should be either 1 or 2.
PMUP020 Auth Control Enabled field should be either True or False.
PMUP023 Initial Order Count should not be more than 9 digits.
PMUP024 Initial Order Count should be numeric.
PMUP025 Reorder Count should not be more than 9 digits.
PMUP026 Reorder Count should be numeric.
PMUP027 Credit Limit should be numeric.
PMUP028 Credit limit should be a positive integer.
PMUP029 Credit limit should be a positive integer.
PMUP030 Credit Limit should not be more than 12 digits.
PMUP032 Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy.
PMUP033 Bank is not enabled for the account type you have sent for the proxy.
PMUP034 Funding Account Number is not applicable for a Buyer using regular accounts.
PMUP035 Funding Account Number is invalid.
PMUP036 Auth Control is mandatory for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts or VANs.
PMUP038 Initial Order Count is mandatory.
PMUP039 Reorder Count is mandatory.
PMUP040 Credit limit needs to be provided only if the fixed credit limit is enabled for the bank/buyer.
PMUP041 Credit Limit is not allowed for Proxy Account Type 1.
PMUP042 Credit Limit is not applicable for a Buyer enabled for pseudo accounts.
PMUP043 Auth Control is mandatory for a buyer if it is mandated for the associated bank.
PMUP045 Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> has already been deleted.
PMUP046 Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> is not found in the system
PMUP047 Proxy Account Type 1 is invalid for a buyer enabled for VPP or pseudo accounts.
PMUP048 Proxy Pool type field should be either 1 or 2.
PMUP049 Client ID is not found in the system.
PMUP050 Buyer ID is not found in the system.
PMUP051 Minimum Available Accounts contains invalid characters.
PMUP052 Minimum Available Accounts should not be more than 9 digits.
PMUP053 Minimum Available Accounts is mandatory.
PMUP054 Minimum Available Accounts should be greater than 0.
PMUP055 Minimum Available Accounts should be less than Initial Order Count.
PMUP056 Minimum Available Accounts should only be provided if the auto replenishment is enabled for the buyer.

Delete Proxy Pool

Error Code Error Description 
PMDP001 Error occurred while deleting the proxy pool.
PMDP002 Message ID should be unique
PMDP005 Message ID is mandatory
PMDP006 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters
PMDP007 Message ID contains invalid characters
PMDP008 Client ID is mandatory
PMDP009 Client ID should not be more than 25 characters
PMDP011 Buyer ID is mandatory
PMDP012 Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters
PMDP013 Buyer ID contains invalid characters
PMDP015 Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters
PMDP016 Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters
PMDP017 The proxy cannot be deleted as a new account request is being processed for this proxy.  
PMDP018 An account in the proxy is already in use and hence the proxy cannot be deleted
PMDP045 Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> has already been deleted.
PMDP046 Proxy Account Number <ProxyAccountNumber> is not found in the system
PMDP049 Client ID is not found in the system
PMDP050 Buyer ID is not found in the system

Get Proxy Pool Details

Error Code Error Description 
PMGP002 Message ID should be unique.
PMGP005 Message ID is mandatory.
PMGP006 Message ID should not be more than 36 characters.
PMGP007 Message ID contains invalid characters.
PMGP008 Client ID is mandatory.
PMGP009 Client ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMGP011 Buyer ID is mandatory.
PMGP012 Buyer ID should not be more than 25 characters.
PMGP013 Buyer ID contains invalid characters.
PMGP015 Proxy Account Number should not be more than 19 characters.
PMGP016 Proxy Account Number contains invalid characters.
PMGP049 Client ID is not found in the system.
PMGP050 Buyer ID is not found in the system.

Payment Service

The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Payment APIs. These include:

Process Payment

Process Payment
Error Code Error Desription 
PP578 EFT Supplier ID contains invalid characters.
PP579 EFT Supplier ID length should be between 1 and 8 characters.
PP568 The account type sent in the web service request is invalid.
PP035 Message ID is invalid.
PP002 Message ID is not unique.
PP003 Client ID is invalid.
PP004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
PP025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
PP057 If the invoice required indicator is ON, the invoice tag is mandatory for a payment instruction.
PP591 The currency sent in the payment instruction does not match the allowed currencies for the buyer.  Please work with your administrator to add the new currency in the allowable list before submitting a payment.
PP047 Action type is required and must be valid (values with in 1-4).
PP005 Account number is invalid.
PP564 Account number field is mandatory when expiration date is provided.
PP565 The card expiry date sent in the request is invalid. Please correct and re-submit.
PP561 The month you have entered for the card expiry date is invalid. Please enter a valid month.
PP562 The card expiry date you have entered is in the past. Please enter a future date.
PP563 The year you have entered for the card expiry date is invalid. Please enter a valid year.
PP587 Account limit cannot have precision value.
PP586 The account limit field should be numeric.
PP009 Currency code is invalid.
PP006 Payment amount is invalid.
PP188 Maximum invoice limit entered.
PP049 Payment expiration date is required and has to be in the valid date format 'YYYY-MM-DD.'
PP186 Payment expiration date provided is a past date.
PP171 Payment date is invalid.
PP008 Supplier ID is invalid.
PP580 Bank is not enabled for Invapay payments.
PP581 Buyer is not enabled for Invapay payments.
PP582 Supplier name is mandatory.
PP583 EFT SupplierID is mandatory.
PP584 Provided EFT SupplierID is already associated with another supplier.
7605 Incorrect Invapay supplier provided.
PP585 Incorrect EFT SupplierID provided.
PP600 Account number not allowed for the VPP Token.
PP567 The account type passed in the web service request is different from what is setup in the VPA system.
PP576 The account limit field is mandatory for lodged card payments.
PP577 The account limit sent in the request is greater than the maximum allowed limit. <Max allowed limit>
PP569 Account type is not applicable for SUA payments.
PP016 Request could not be processed successfully.
PP566 Card expiration date field is mandatory for a new card account in the request.
PP050 SupplierID is required, if the payment Type is 1 (Payment Instruction), 3 (STP Processing), or 4 (INVAPAY Payment).
PP056 STP Supplier ID must be valid.
PP037 Supplier name is invalid.
PP042 Supplier address is invalid.
PP038 Supplier city is invalid.
PP039 Supplier state is invalid.
PP041 Supplier postal code is invalid.
PP040 Supplier country is invalid.
PP162 Supplier profile update is invalid.
PP012 Primary email address is invalid.
PP182 Alternate address tag is invalid.
PP013 Alternate email address is invalid.
PP060 Email notes are invalid.
PP589 The Process Payment web service supports only <max number allowed> invoices.
PP014 Invoice number is invalid.
PP015 Invoice date is invalid.
PP036 Invoice amount is invalid
PP188 Partial payment value exceeds the field length.
PP058 Purchase order number is invalid.
PP059 Purchase order date is invalid.
PP181 Reference tag is invalid.
PP170 Payment description is invalid.
601 Request schema validation is successful.

Resend Payment

Resend Payment
Error Code  Error Description 
RSP043 Original message ID is invalid.
RSP173 Email notes are invalid.
RSP035 Message ID is invalid.
RSP003 Client ID is invalid.
RSP004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
RSP005 Account number is invalid.
RSP012 Primary email address is invalid.
RSP182 Alternate address tag is invalid.
RSP013 Alternate email address is invalid.
RSP162 Supplier profile update is invalid.
RSP049 Payment expiration date is required and must be in a valid date format: YYYY-MM-DD
RSP016 Request could not be processed successfully.
RSP002 Message ID is not unique.
RSP163 Primary email address is required if supplier is enabled for notification.
RSP030 Original message ID does not exist.
RSP167 Payment was not processed successfully or is in progress.
RSP161 Payment has already expired.
RSP025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
RSP029 Original message ID and account number do not match.
RSP186 Payment expiration date provided is a past date.

Get Payment Detail URL

Get Payment Detail URL
Error Code Error Description 
GURL035 Message ID is invalid.
GURL003 Client ID is invalid.
GURL004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
GURL005 Account number is invalid.
GURL043 Original message ID is invalid.
GURL002 Message ID is not unique.
GURL030 Original message ID does not exist.
GURL164 Payment URL is already expired.
GURL165 URL generation is in progress.
GURL166 URL generation failed.
GURL167 Payment was not processed successfully or is in progress.
GURL016 Request could not be processed successfully.
GURL029 Original message ID and account number do not match.
GURL025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
GURL001 URL received successfully.
GURL161 Payment has already expired.

Get Payment Details

Get Payment Details
Error Code Error Description 
GPD005 Message ID is required.
GPD006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
GPD008 Client ID is required.
GPD009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
GPD003 Client ID is invalid.
GPD011 Buyer ID is required.
GPD012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 15 characters.
GPD013 Buyer ID is invalid.
GPD557 At least one parameter is required.
GPD551 From date contains invalid characters.
GPD549 From date should not be more than 8 characters.
GPD548 From date should not be less than 8 characters.
GPD548 From date should contain only numbers.
GPD548 From date format is invalid.
GPD550 From date should not be in the future.
GPD558 From date is mandatory when to date is given.
GPD555 To date contains invalid characters.
GPD553 To date should not be more than 8 characters.
GPD552 To date should not be less than 8 characters.
GPD552 To date should contain only numbers.
GPD552 To date format is invalid.
GPD556 To date should be later than from date.
GPD545 Status code contains invalid characters.
GPD547 Status code should not be more than 1 character.
GPD546 Status code is invalid.
GPD542 Tracking number contains invalid characters.
GPD543 Tracking number should not be more than 36 characters.
GPD002 Message ID is not unique.
GDP004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
GDP544 Tracking number does not exist in the system.
GDP541 Tracking number does not belong to this buyer.
GPD539 1.Fetching the configured number of payments.
2.Get payment details completed successfully.
GPD002 Payment details are not available for the search parameters.
GDP540 System exception.
GDP025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
GPD602 The value you passed in the ResultSetNo field is invalid.

Cancel Payment

Cancel Payment
Error Code Error Description 
CP035 Message ID is invalid.
CP003 Client ID is invalid.
CP004 Buyer details you have provided are invalid.
CP005 Account number is invalid.
CP043 Original message ID is invalid.
CP590 Cancel reason passed in the request has invalid characters.
CP002 Message ID sent in the request should be unique for each request.
CP003 Client ID sent in the request is not found in the system.
CP004 Buyer information sent in the request is not setup in the system.
CP030 Original message ID sent in the request is not found in the system.
CP167 The payment identified by the original message ID cannot be cancelled because the original payment was not processed successfully.
CP161 The payment identified by the original message ID has already been cancelled.
CP162 Payment is already cancelled.
CP037 A system error occurred while cancelling the payment. Please wait and try your request again. If the issue persists, contact your system administrator.
CP029 Account number is invalid.
CP032 Cancel payment is not supported for DPS buyers.
CP038 Cancel payment is not supported for STP payments.
CP039 Cancel payment is not supported for EFT/ACH payments.
CP031 The payment identified by the original message ID has already been collected by the supplier.
CP025 The bank or buyer has not yet been setup in VPA.

Supplier Service

The Error Codes in this section pertain to the Supplier Service APIs. These include:

Create Supplier

Create Supplier
Error Code Error Description 
CS005 Message ID is required.
CS006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
CS007 Duplicate message ID.
CS008 Client ID is required.
CS009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
CS011 Buyer ID is required.
CS012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
CS010 Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid.
CS013 Buyer is invalid.
CS087 Web service method is invalid.
CS014 Supplier ID is required.
CS015 Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters.
CS016 Supplier ID contains invalid characters.
CS018 Supplier name is required.
CS019 Supplier name cannot be more than 50 characters.
CS020 Supplier name contains invalid characters.
CS021 Supplier type is required.
CS022 Supplier type is invalid.
CS023 STP ID is required.
CS088 STP ID is of invalid length.
CS025 STP ID is invalid.
CS089 STP ID should not be provided for VPA suppliers.
CS028 Supplier city is required.
CS029 Supplier city cannot be more than 50 characters.
CS031 Supplier state cannot be more than 50 characters.
CS026 Supplier address line 1 is required.
CS027 Supplier address line 1 cannot be more than 100 characters.
CS090 Supplier address line 2 cannot be more than 100 characters.
CS035 Supplier country code is required.
CS036 Supplier country code cannot be more than 3 characters.
CS038 Supplier country code is invalid.
CS030 State code is required for this country.
CS032 Postal code is required for this country.
CS033 Supplier postal code cannot be more than 20 characters.
CS034 Supplier postal code contains invalid characters.
CS040 Primary email address cannot be more than 70 characters.
CS041 Primary email address is not valid.
CS091 Maximum of 5 alternate email addresses can be configured.
CS043 CC alternate address is not valid.
CS042 Alternate email address cannot be more than 70 characters.
CS092 Currency code should be of length 3.
CS592 Supplier currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer.
CS093 Request could not be processed successfully.
7777 Date code is invalid.
7778 System exception.
CS045 Supplier language is required.
CS046 Supplier language is invalid.
CS044 Supplier GL code cannot be more than 70 characters.
CS047 Reminder notification indicator is invalid.
CS095 Reminder notification indicator not supported for STP suppliers.
CS049 Reminder notification days not supported for STP suppliers.
CS056 Payment expiration days not supported for STP suppliers.
CS050 Reminder notification days is required, only when ReminderNotificationIndicator= Y.
CS052 Reminder notification days field contains invalid characters.
CS096 Reminder notification days field is invalid.
CS051 Reminder notification days cannot be more than 99 Days.
7495 Reminder notification days field is invalid. Please enter a value greater than 0.
CS097 Payment expiration days field is required.
CS098 Payment expiration days field is invalid.
CS057 Payment expiration days cannot be more than 999 days.
CS053 Reminder notification days value cannot exceed the payment expiration days.
CS054 Invoice attachment indicator is invalid.
CS059 Security code required is invalid.
CS507 Authorization controls are mandatory for the buyer you have sent in the web service request. Please correct and resubmit.
CS061 Payment control indicator is invalid.
CS593 Account currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer.
CS560 Account type is required for the given combination of card details.
CS063 Card type is invalid.  It is one of these values:  1 ( Reset To Zero) / 2 (Fixed)/5 (Reloadable Accounts).
CS064 Account type is invalid. The bank does not support this card type.
CS065 Account limit is required, If card type is  2 (Fixed).
CS066 Account limit should contain only numbers.
CS100 Account limit cannot be 0.
CS067 Account limit is invalid.  The length or precision does not match the allowed limit.
CS101 Account limit is invalid.
CS102 Account limit should be empty.
CS103 Processor interaction is disabled for this bank. New accounts cannot be requested.
CS068 Action type is required.
CS070 Account number is required if the action type is 2 (Enter Card Number).
CS104 Account number should start with 4.
CS072 Expiration date is required if ActionType is 2 (Enter Card Number).
CS073 Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY.
CS105 Invalid month for expiration date.
CS106 Invalid year for expiration date.
CS073 Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY.
CS107 Account number should be empty.
CS109 The account type and action type combination is invalid.
CS159 Account type is required.
CS601 Lodging a VPP token to a supplier is not supported.
CS071 Account number is invalid.
CS108 Expiration date should be empty.
CS060 Action type is invalid.
CS110 Request schema validated success.
CS017 Supplier ID already exists.
CS025 Bank or buyer is not yet setup.
CS025 STP supplier ID is invalid.
CS078 Bank/Buyer not enabled for STP.
CS086 DPS buyer/bank not enabled for PIN.
CS117 Non-DPS buyers cannot be enabled for PIN.
CS118 Enable PIN should be set to Y.
CS119 Account currency code should match with buyer currency code for account type 1 and 5.
CS120 Invalid account type for DPS supplier.
CS121 Invalid action type for DPS supplier.
CS122 Proxy number is required for DPS suppliers.
CS123 Proxy number is invalid.
CS124 Reloadable proxy account is invalid.
CS048 Buyer/bank is not enabled for reminder notification.
CS125 Reminder notification days should be provided.
CS126 Reminder notification days should be empty.
CS055 Buyer/Bank is not enabled for invoice attachment.
CS060 Buyer/Bank is not enabled for CVV2 security code.
CS127 STP suppliers cannot be enabled for CVV2 security code.
CS128 DPS suppliers should be enabled for CVV2 security code.
CS039 Primary email address is required.
CS129 Supplier alert notification indicator is enabled for buyer and bank. Primary email address is required.
CS598 The funding account number you have sent in the request is not yet setup for your buyer.
CS599 Funding account number passed in the request is invalid.
CS188 Maximum invoice limit entered.
CS182 Account already exists with a different currency code. Please use the same currency code.
CS062 Buyer is not enabled for auth controls.
CS062 Bank and buyer are not enabled for auth controls.
CS130 Auth controls cannot be set for STP suppliers.
CS131 Bank is not subscribed for custom security questions.
CS132 Buyer is not subscribed for custom security questions.
CS133 Buyer not subscribed for random security questions. Only one security answer is allowed.
CS134 Buyer not subscribed for random security questions. Only the security answer for question 1 is allowed.
CS079 Security answer does not exist at the position.
CS081 Security answer is required.
CS135 Only one security answer operation allowed at each position for a request.
CS083 Security answer cannot be more than 50 characters.
CS082 Security answer contains invalid characters.
CS136 Security question number is invalid.
CS137 Security question number is required.
CS138 Security answers list cannot be greater than size 3.
ASR060 1. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Unable to create a new token.
2. Proxy account does not have any active accounts.
3. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Credit limit difference found.
4. Supplier setup completed but the account was not lodged. Unable to get account information.
5. Supplier setup completed, but VPC registration failed.
6. Supplier and account information created successfully. Failed to notify the supplier.
7. Create supplier failed.
ASR001 Create supplier success.
ASR099 System exception.
CS139 Security answers not supported for STP suppliers.
CS187 suaExactMatchRule can be set to Y only if PaymentControlRequired is enabled for the supplier.
CS188 suaExactMatchRule is invalid. Allowed values are Y/N.

Update Supplier

Update Supplier
Error Code  Error Description
US005 Message ID is required.
US006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
US007 Duplicate message ID.
US008 Client ID is required.
US009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
US011 Buyer ID is required.
US012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
US010 Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid.
US087 Web service method is invalid.
US014 Supplier ID is required.
US015 Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters.
US016 Supplier ID contains invalid characters.
US028 Supplier city is required.
US029 Supplier city cannot be more than 50 characters.
US019 Supplier name cannot be more than 50 characters.
US020 Supplier name contains invalid characters.
US013 Buyer is invalid.
US093 Request could not be processed successfully.
US022 Supplier type is invalid.
US023 STP ID is required.
US088 STP ID length is invalid.
US025 STP ID is invalid.
US089 STP ID should not be provided for VPA suppliers.
US018 Supplier name is required.
US026 Supplier address line 1 is required.
US027 Supplier address line 1 cannot be more than 100 characters.
US090 Supplier address line 2 cannot be more than 100 characters.
US031 Supplier state cannot be more than 50 characters.
US035 Supplier country code is required.
US036 Supplier country code cannot be more than 3 characters.
US038 Supplier country code is invalid.
US030 State code is required for this country.
US032 Postal code is required for this country.
US033 Supplier postal code cannot be more than 20 characters.
US034 Supplier postal code contains invalid characters.
US040 Primary email address cannot be more than 70 characters.
US041 Primary email address is invalid.
US092 Currency code should be of length 3.
US592 Supplier currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer.
US044 Supplier GL code cannot be more than 70 characters.
US047 Reminder notification indicator is invalid.
US095 Reminder notification indicator not supported for STP suppliers.
US049 Reminder notification days not supported for STP suppliers.
US056 Payment expiration days not supported for STP suppliers.
US050 Reminder notification days is required only if reminder notification indicator=Y.
US052 Reminder notification days contains invalid characters.
US096 Reminder notification days are invalid.
US051 Reminder notification days cannot be more than 99 days.
7495 Reminder notification days are invalid. Please enter a value greater than 0.
US097 Payment expiration days are required.
US098 Payment expiration days are invalid.
US057 Payment expiration days cannot be more than 999 days.
US053 Reminder notification days value cannot exceed the payment expiration days.
US059 Security code required is invalid.
US507 Authorization controls is mandatory for the buyer you have sent in the web service request. Please correct and resubmit.
US061 Payment control indicator is invalid.
US025 Bank/Buyer is not yet setup.
US025 STP supplier ID is invalid.
US078 Bank/Buyer not enabled for STP.
US086 DPS buyer/bank not enabled for PIN.
US117 Non DPS buyers cannot be enabled for PIN.
US118 Enable PIN should be set to Y.
US126 Reminder Notification Days should be empty.
US055 Buyer/Bank is not enabled for invoice attachment.
US060 Buyer/Bank is not enabled for CVV2 security code.
US127 STP suppliers cannot be enabled for CVV2 security code.
US128 DPS suppliers should be enabled for CVV2 security code.
US039 Primary email address is required.
US062 Buyer is not enabled for Auth Controls.
US062 Bank and buyer are not enabled for Auth Controls.
US130 Auth Controls cannot be set for STP suppliers.
US132 Buyer is not subscribed for custom security questions.
US079 Security answer does not exist at the position.
US135 Only one security answer operation allowed at each position for a request.
US083 Security answer cannot be more than 50 characters.
US082 Security answer contains invalid characters.
US136 Invalid security question number.
US137 Security question number is required.
US138 Security answers list cannot be greater than size 3.
US139 Security answers not supported for STP suppliers.
US110 Request schema validated success.
US111 Supplier ID does not exist.
US021 Supplier type is required.
US043 CC email address is not valid.
US042 CC email address cannot be more than 70 characters.
4629 Date code is invalid.
US045 Supplier language is required.
US046 Supplier language is invalid.
US054 Invalid invoice attachment indicator.
US559 Security code required should be N for STP suppliers.
US140 Supplier is invalid.
US141 STP ID should be empty for VPA suppliers.
US142 Buyer/Bank is not enabled for payment expiration reminder.
US143 Supplier alert indicator is enabled for buyer. Primary email address is required.
US144 Buyer is not subscribed for random security questions. Only one security answer is allowed.
US145 Buyer is not subscribed for random security questions. Only the security answer for question 1 is allowed.
US187 suaExactMatchRule can be set to Y only if PaymentControlRequired is enabled for the supplier.
US188 suaExactMatchRule is invalid. Allowed values are Y/N.

Disable Supplier

Disable Supplier
Error Code Error Description 
DS005 Message ID is required.
DS010 Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid.
DS013 Buyer is invalid.
DS025 Bank/Buyer is not yet setup.
DS087 Web service method is invalid.
DS154 Disable reason cannot be more than 255 characters.
DS014 Supplier ID is required.
DS015 Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters.
DS016 Supplier ID contains invalid character(s).
DS155 Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid.
DS146 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
DS008 Client ID is required.
DS009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
DS011 Buyer ID is required.
DS012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
DS156 Supplier is already disabled.
DS157 Unable to deactivate the supplier. Payments are being processed for this supplier.
DS158 Unable to deactivate the supplier. Pending card creation requests are found for this supplier.
DS110 Request schema validated success.
DS006 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
DS007 Duplicate message ID.
DSR001 Supplier disabled successfully.
DSR002 Disabled supplier request failed.
DSR018 System exception.

Get Supplier Details

Get Supplier Details
Error Code Error Description 
GS180 Supplier ID does not exist.
GS181 Account number length should be 16 characters.
GS005 Message ID is required.
GS146 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
GS008 Client ID is required.
GS009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
GS011 Buyer ID is required.
GS012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
GS010 Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid.
GS013 Buyer is invalid.
GS025 Bank/Buyer is not yet setup.
GS014 Supplier ID is required.
GS015 Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters.
GS016 Supplier ID contains invalid character(s).
GS155 Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid.
GS087 Web service method is invalid.
GS156 Supplier already disabled.
GS007 Duplicate message ID.
GS071 Account number is invalid.
GS110 Request schema validated success.
ASR060 1. Supplier and account information received.
2. Manage card accounts failed.
ASR099 System exception.

Manage Supplier Account

Manage Supplier Account
Error Code Error Description 
MS005 Message ID is required.
MS146 Message ID cannot be more than 36 characters.
MS007 Duplicate message ID
MS008 Client ID is required.
MS009 Client ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
MS011 Buyer ID is required.
MS012 Buyer ID cannot be more than 25 characters.
MS010 Buyer ID/Client ID is invalid.
MS013 Buyer is invalid.
MS087 Web service method is invalid.
MS016 Supplier ID contains an invalid character.
MS155 Buyer/Supplier combination is invalid.
MS159 Account type is required.
MS063 Card type is invalid.  These values are allowed: 1 ( Reset To Zero) / 2 (Fixed)/5 (Reloadable Accounts).
MS065 Account limit is required if card type is 2 (Fixed).
MS066 Account limit should contain only numbers.
MS067 Account limit is invalid. Length or Precision does not match the allowed limit.
MS101 Account limit is invalid.
MS105 Expiration date month is invalid.
MS106 Expiration date year is invalid.
MS064 Account type is invalid. Bank does not support this card type.
MS601 Lodging a VPP token to a supplier is not supported.
MS071 Account number is invalid.
MS108 Expiration date should be empty.
MS102 Account limit should be empty.
MS109 Account type and action type combination is invalid.
MS110 Request schema validated success.
MS025 Bank/Buyer is not yet setup.
MS598 The funding account number you have sent in the request is not yet setup for your buyer.
MS599 Funding account number passed in the request is invalid.
MS092 Currency code should be length=3.
MS593 Account currency code sent in the request is not in the allowable currency list for the buyer.
MS093 Request could not be processed successfully.
MS119 Account currency code should match with buyer currency code for account type 1 and 5.
MS124 Reloadable proxy account is invalid.
MS182 Account already exists with a different currency code. Please use the same currency code.
MS188 Maximum invoice limit entered.
MS014 Supplier ID is required.
MS015 Supplier ID cannot be more than 30 characters.
MS140 Supplier is invalid.
MS154 Disable reason cannot be more than 255 characters.
MS069 Action type is invalid.
MS163 Default indicator is invalid. Valid value is Y/N.
MS164 Default card account cannot be marked as non-default card account.
MS160 Account number already present for the supplier.
MS070 Account number is required.
MS161 Account number already does not exist or disabled.
MS162 Account number is not associated with this supplier.
MS165 Currency code should be 3 characters long. Spaces and numbers are not allowed.
MS166 Expiration date should not be provided.
MS167 Account number should not be provided.
MS168 Account limit should not be provided.
MS169 Action type and account type combination is invalid.
MS072 Expiration date is required.
MS073 Expiration date is invalid. The supported date format is MM/YYYY.
MS170 Proxy number must be provided for account type 5.
MS171 Supplier ID is invalid.
MS172 Action type is invalid. User cannot request new cards when processor interaction is disabled.
MS174 Account number and account type combination is invalid.
MS175 Account number does not belong to this supplier.
MS176 Payment control is set for this supplier. Currency Code cannot be updated.
MS177 Account number does not exist or already disabled.
MS179 Card account cannot be deleted. Some payments are in pending status.
MSA060 Manage card accounts failed to lodge the account. Unable to create a new token.
ASR060 1. Proxy account does not have any active accounts.
2. Manage card acounts failed to lodged the account. Credit limit difference found.
3. Manage card accounts failed to lodge the account. Unable to get account information.
4. Manage card accounts failed in VPC registration.
5. Manage card accounts completed successfully. Failed to notify the supplier.
6. Manage card accounts failed. Failed to deregister account for auth controls.
7. Manage card accounts failed.
ASR001 1. Manage card accounts completed successfully.
2. Manage card accounts failed.
ASR099 System exception.

Buyer Implementation Service

The error codes in this section pertain to the Buyer Implementation APIs. These include: 

Create Buyer Template

Error Code Error Description
BSCT001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSCT002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSCT003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSCT004 Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit.
BSCT005 Message ID should be unique.
BSCT006 Client ID is invalid.
BSCT007 You do not have permission to create a buyer template.
BSCT101 A few of the workflow function codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field is invalid.
BSCT102 Workflow Function Codes field should not to be provided if workflow Config Enabled option is not enabled.
BSCT105 The Auth Controls option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSCT106 Auth controls are mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs.
BSCT107 Auth controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank.
BSCT109 Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled.
BSCT110 Issuer Holding BID should not to be provided if Auth Controls are not enabled.
BSCT111 Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits.
BSCT112 Auth Controls needs to be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled.
BSCT113 Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT114 Boost payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT116 Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12.
BSCT117 Card Masking Digits must  be between 4 and 12.
BSCT118 The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled  for the template.
BSCT119 The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT120 The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT121 The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT122 The auth control option is mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account.
BSCT124 Phone1 is invalid.
BSCT125 Email Address is invalid.
BSCT127 The Response COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCT128 The COMM file id you have sent for EDI 820 does not exist in the system.
BSCT129 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCT130 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCT131 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCT132 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCT133 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCT134 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCT135 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSCT136 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSCT137 Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999.
BSCT138 Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99.
BSCT139 A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA.
BSCT142 The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA.
BSCT143 Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT144 The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S.
BSCT145 Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA.
BSCT146 The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats.
BSCT147 The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT148 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT149 The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled  if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled.
BSCT150 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days.
BSCT151 Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99.
BSCT152 The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2.
BSCT153 Default Security Questions is mandatory.
BSCT154 Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters.
BSCT155 The Default Security Question has invalid characters.
BSCT156 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions.
BSCT157 At least one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled.
BSCT159 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the template before configuring the custom security questions.
BSCT160 One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid.
BSCT161 Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters.
BSCT162 One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters.
BSCT163 The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3.
BSCT165 Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSCT166 Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option.
BSCT167 SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999.
BSCT168 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSCT169 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSCT170 SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is  enabled for a template.
BSCT171 Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSCT172 Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSCT173 Response COMM file id is not found in the system.
BSCT174 Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if recon comm file is not set for the template.
BSCT175 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSCT176 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSCT177 Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the template.
BSCT178 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the template
BSCT179 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid.
BSCT180 The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist.
BSCT181 STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT182 STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification.
BSCT183 STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT186 Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT187 Stripe Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling Stripe Remittance Notification.
BSCT188 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT191 VAN can be enabled only when it is enabled for the bank.
BSCT192 Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account.
BSCT194 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSCT195 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSCT196 FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank.
BSCT197 FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled.
BSCT198 VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSCT199 VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values.
BSCT200 VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSCT201 Client ID is invalid.
BSCT202 Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSCT203 A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid.
BSCT204 The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank.
BSCT205 API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled.
BSCT208 The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled.
BSCT209 The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSCT211 API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the template.
BSCT212 Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the template.
BSCT213 A bank can have a max of <max Number> active templates.
BSCT214 Template Name should be unique within a bank.
BSCT217 Template Name is mandatory.
BSCT233 Template Name contains invalid.
BSCT246 VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid
BSCT247 VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled template

Update Buyer Template

Error Code Error Description
BSUT001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSUT002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSUT003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSUT004 Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit.
BSUT005 Message ID should be unique.
BSUT006 Client ID is invalid.
BSUT007 You do not have permission to create a buyer template.
BSUT101 A few of the workflow function codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field is invalid.
BSUT102 Workflow Function Codes field should not to be provided if workflow Config Enabled option is not enabled.
BSUT105 The Auth Controls option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSUT106 Auth controls are mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs.
BSUT107 Auth controls are mandatory if auth controls are mandated for the associated bank.
BSUT108 Auth Control configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT109 Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled.
BSUT110 Issuer Holding BID should not to be provided if Auth Controls are not enabled.
BSUT111 Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits.
BSUT112 Auth Controls needs to be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled.
BSUT113 Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT114 Boost payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT115 Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT116 Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12.
BSUT117 Card Masking Digits must  be between 4 and 12.
BSUT118 The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled  for the template.
BSUT119 The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT120 The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT121 The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT122 The auth control option is mandatory for a template enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account.
BSUT123 Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT124 Phone1 is invalid.
BSUT125 Email Address is invalid.
BSUT126 Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT137 Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999.
BSUT138 Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99.
BSUT139 A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA.
BSUT140 Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT141 Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON.
BSUT142 The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA.
BSUT143 Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT144 The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S.
BSUT145 Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA.
BSUT146 The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats.
BSUT147 The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT148 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT149 The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled  if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled.
BSUT150 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days.
BSUT151 Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99.
BSUT152 The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2.
BSUT153 Default Security Questions is mandatory.
BSUT154 Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters.
BSUT155 The Default Security Question has invalid characters.
BSUT156 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions.
BSUT157 At least one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled.
BSUT158 Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT159 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the template before configuring the custom security questions.
BSUT160 One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid.
BSUT161 Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters.
BSUT162 One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters.
BSUT163 The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3.
BSUT164 Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT165 Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSUT166 Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option.
BSUT167 SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999.
BSUT168 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSUT169 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSUT170 SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is  enabled for a template.
BSUT171 Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSUT172 Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the template.
BSUT174 Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if recon comm file is not set for the template.
BSUT175 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSUT176 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSUT177 Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the template.
BSUT181 STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT182 STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification.
BSUT183 STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT184 STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT185 STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT186 Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT187 Stripe Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling Stripe Remittance Notification.
BSUT188 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT189 Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT190 Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT191 VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank.
BSUT192 Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account.
BSUT193 TSYS VPP or  pseudo account configuration cannot be updated  when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT194 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSUT195 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSUT196 FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank.
BSUT197 FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled.
BSUT198 VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSUT199 VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values.
BSUT200 VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSUT201 Client ID is invalid.
BSUT202 Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSUT203 A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid.
BSUT204 The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank.
BSUT205 API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled.
BSUT207 Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT208 The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled.
BSUT209 The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the template.
BSUT210 The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUT211 API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the template.
BSUT212 Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the template.
BSUT213 A bank can have a max of <max Number> active templates.
BSUT215 The Template ID provided does not exist in the system.
BSUT216 The Template ID provided does not exist in the system.
BSUT217 Template Name is mandatory.
BSUT218 Template Name should be unique within a bank.
BSGT219 Template id you provided does not exist in the system.
BSUT224 Please provide values for workflowConfigEnabled and workflowFunctionCodes which are related.
BSUT225 Please provide values for authControlEnabled, alertsEnabled and issuerHoldingBID which are related.
BSUT226 Please provide values for billingCurrency and allowableCurrencies which are related.
BSUT227 Please provide values for supplierReminderNotificationDays and supplierReminderNotificationEnabled which are related.
BSUT228 Please provide values for customSecurityQuestionsEnabled and customSecurityQuestions which are related.
BSUT229 Please provide values for stpPaymentEnabled and remittanceNotificationEnabled which are related.
BSUT230 Please provide values for stripePaymentEnabled and remittanceNotificationEnabled which are related.
BSUT231 Please provide values for vanEnabled and fcsBankId which are related.
BSUT232 Please provide values for webServicesEnabled, vbdsClientId and suppressSupplierNotification which are related.
BSUT235 Please provide values for authControlEnabled, and alertsEnabled which are related.
BSUT234 Template Name contains invalid value.
BSUT248 VCFDataFeedIndicator field cannot be updated when buyer profile sync is on
BSUT247 VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled template
BSUT246 VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid

Get Buyer Template

Error Code Error Description
BSGT001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSGT002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSGT003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSGT004 Your request contains one or more unknown fields, please correct and resubmit.
BSGT005 Message ID should be unique.
BSGT006 Client ID is invalid.
BSGT007 You do not have permission to create a buyer template
BSGT219 Template id you provided does not exist in the system.

Create Buyer

N. America Asia-Pacific Europe CEMEA LAC Notes
  • Available in entire region
  • Not available
  • See notes for available countries

Error Code Error Description
BSCB001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSCB002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSCB003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSCB004 Message ID is mandatory.
BSCB005 Message ID should be unique.
BSCB006 Client ID is invalid.
BSCB007 You do not have permission to create a buyer.
BSCB101 One or more Workflow Function Codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field are invalid.
BSCB102 Workflow Function Codes must not be provided if Workflow Config Enabled is set to false.
BSCB103 Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be removed when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true.
BSCB104 Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true.
BSCB105 Auth Controls must be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB106 Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs.
BSCB107 Auth Controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank.
BSCB108 Auth Controls configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB109 Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled.
BSCB110 Issuer Holding BID must not be provided if Auth Controls are disabled.
BSCB111 Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits.
BSCB112 Auth Controls must be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled.
BSCB113 Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB114 Boost payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB115 Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB116 Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12.
BSCB117 Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12.
BSCB118 The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled  for the buyer.
BSCB119 The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB120 The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB121 The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB122 Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account.
BSCB123 Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB124 Phone1 is invalid.
BSCB125 Email Address is invalid.
BSCB126 Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB127 The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCB128 The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCB129 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCB130 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCB131 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCB132 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSCB133 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCB134 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSCB135 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSCB136 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSCB137 Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999.
BSCB138 Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99.
BSCB139 A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA.
BSCB140 Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB141 Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON.
BSCB142 The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA.
BSCB143 Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB144 The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S.
BSCB145 Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA.
BSCB146 The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats.
BSCB147 The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB148 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB149 The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled  if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled.
BSCB150 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days.
BSCB151 Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99.
BSCB152 The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2.
BSCB153 Default Security Questions is mandatory.
BSCB154 Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters.
BSCB155 The Default Security Question has invalid characters.
BSCB156 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions.
BSCB157 Atleast one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled.
BSCB158 Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB159 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the buyer before configuring the custom security questions.
BSCB160 One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid.
BSCB161 Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters.
BSCB162 One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters.
BSCB163 The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3.
BSCB164 Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB165 Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSCB166 Processor interaction should be enabled in order to enable the close account option.
BSCB167 SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999.
BSCB168 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSCB169 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB170 SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a buyer.
BSCB171 Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB172 Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB173 Response COMM file id is not found in the system.
BSCB174 Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if reon comm file is not set for the buyer.
BSCB175 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSCB176 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSCB177 Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB178 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB179 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid.
BSCB180 The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist.
BSCB181 STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB182 STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification.
BSCB183 STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB184 STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB185 STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB186 Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB187 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB188 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB189 Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB190 Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB191 VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank.
BSCB192 Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account.
BSCB193 TSYS VPP or  pseudo account configuration cannot be updated  when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB194 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSCB195 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSCB196 FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank.
BSCB197 FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled.
BSCB198 VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSCB199 VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values.
BSCB200 VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSCB201 Client ID is invalid.
BSCB202 Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSCB203 A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid.
BSCB204 The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank.
BSCB205 API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled.
BSCB206 API Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB207 Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB208 The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled.
BSCB209 The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB210 The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSCB211 API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the buyer.
BSCB212 Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the buyer.
BSCB251 Boost Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Boost suppliers associated with it.
BSCB252 Company ID is mandatory.
BSCB253 Company ID has existed.
BSCB254 Buyer ID doesn't exist.
BSCB255 Buyer ID has existed.
BSCB256 Buyer Name is mandatory.
BSCB257 The Buyer Name is invalid.
BSCB258 Buyer Name must be unique in the bank.
BSCB259 Buyer Contact Name is mandatory.
BSCB260 Buyer Contact Name is invalid.
BSCB261 Buyer Contact Name is invalid.
BSCB262 Phone 1 contains invalid characters.
BSCB263 Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB264 Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB265 The extension number for  Phone 1 contains invalid characters.
BSCB266 Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB267 Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB268 Phone 2 is invalid.
BSCB269 Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB270 Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB271 The extension number for  Phone 2 contains invalid characters.
BSCB272 Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB273 Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB274 Phone 3 is invalid.
BSCB275 Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB276 Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB277 The extension number for  Phone 3 contains invalid characters.
BSCB278 Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSCB279 Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSCB280 Address Line 1 is mandatory.
BSCB281 Address Line 1 is mandatory.
BSCB282 Email Address is mandatory.
BSCB283 Email Address is invalid.
BSCB284 Email Address is mandatory.
BSCB285 Email Address can't be editable if authorization control and authorization control alert are enabled.
BSCB286 City is mandatory.
BSCB287 City contains invalid characters.
BSCB288 State is mandatory.
BSCB289 State contains invalid characters
BSCB290 Country Code is mandatory.
BSCB291 Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system.
BSCB293 Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system.
BSCB294 ZipCode is mandatory.
BSCB295 ZipCode contains invalid characters.
BSCB296 Response file level is required.
BSCB297 Response file level is invalid.
BSCB298 Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B.
BSCB299 The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSCB300 The COMM File ID provided for the response file outbound does not exist in the system.
BSCB301 Response file format is invalid.
BSCB302 Response file format should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB303 Number of Recipient User Ids should not be more than 50.
BSCB304 One or more user ids don't have access to either VPA/Mailbox.
BSCB305 Recipient User IDs should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB306 Unit ID is mandatory field when platform Code is TS1.
BSCB307 Agent number is a mandatory field when platform code is TS1, TS2, or FDR.
BSCB308 Agent Number can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB309 The Agent Number you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB310 Account ID option set is mandatory field when platform code is TS2.
BSCB311 Account ID option can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB312 The Account ID option you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB313 BIN is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB314 The BIN you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB315 Hierarchy Node ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB316 Hierarchy Node ID can have a maximum of 7 characters
BSCB317 Hierarchy Level is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB318 Hierarchy Level can have a maximum of 2 characters.
BSCB319 Hierarchy Level is invalid.
BSCB320 Process Type Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB321 Process Type Code can have a maximum of 2 characters.
BSCB322 The Process Type Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB323 Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB324 Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters.
BSCB325 Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB326 Payment Card Control Account Number can have a maximum of 16 characters.
BSCB327 User4Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB328 Pricing Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSCB329 Pricing Strategy can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB330 The Pricing Strategy Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB331 Authorization Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSCB332 Authorization Strategy Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB333 Plastic Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSCB334 Plastic Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB335 Plastic Code is invalid.
BSCB336 CMID Default Value is a mandatory field when platform code is TS2 or TUK.
BSCB337 CMID Default Value can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB338 ACE Option Set field is mandatory when platform code is TS2 or TUK.
BSCB339 ACE Option Set can have a maximum of 5 characters.
BSCB340 Corporation ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB341 Corporation ID can have a length of 2 characters.
BSCB342 The Corporation ID you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB343 Principal Number is mandatory field when platform code is FDR.
BSCB344 Principal Number can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB345 The Principal Number you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB346 Map ID is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSCB347 Map ID can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSCB348 The Cycle Frequency is mandatory field.
BSCB349 The Cycle Frequency Type you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB350 The Cycle Frequency Code is mandatory field.
BSCB351 Company Number is mandatory when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK.
BSCB352 Company Number should be in Numeric.
BSCB353 Company Number should be of 5 when processor type is TS1.
BSCB354 Company Number should be of length 7 when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK.
BSCB355 Hold days should be between 0 and 999.
BSCB356 autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token.
BSCB357 autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token.
BSCB358 SUA buckets should be enabled for the bank in order for the client to enable for a buyer.
BSCB359 Recon File Level is invalid.
BSCB360 Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B.
BSCB361 Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters.
BSCB362 The Comm File ID you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSCB363 Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB364 One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid.
BSCB365 The number of user ids should not exceed 50.
BSCB366 Recon file format is invalid.
BSCB367 Recon file format should not be sent because Recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB368 Recon Delivery Frequency is invalid.
BSCB369 Delivery frequency is mandatory if data file delivery has mailbox setup.
BSCB370 Delivery Frequency should not be sent if data file delivery does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB371 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSCB372 Delivery Time is invalid.
BSCB375 RVA Recon File Level is invalid.
BSCB376 Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters.
BSCB377 The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSCB378 Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because virtual recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSCB379 One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid.
BSCB380 The number of user ids should not exceed 50.
BSCB381 RVA Recon File Format is invalid.
BSCB382 RVA Recon File Format should not be sent if the RVA recon file is not delivered to a mailbox.
BSCB383 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSCB384 Delivery Frequency is invalid.
BSCB387 Delivery Time is invalid.
BSCB388 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSCB390 Delivery Time should not be given when frequency is empty.
BSCB391 Stripe Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Stripe suppliers associated with it.
BSCB392 Either VISA ADM Option ID or Master Card ADM Option ID needs to be provided if the buyer is enabled for VAN.
BSCB393 ADM Client Id should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSCB394 ADM Client ID is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN.
BSCB395 ADM Client ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSCB396 Processing Type should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSCB397 Processing Type is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN.
BSCB398 Processing Type allows only numeric value.
BSCB399 STP Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active STP suppliers associated with it.
BSCB400 VISA ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSCB401 VISA ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSCB402 Master Card ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSCB403 Master Card ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSCB404 VAN cannot be disabled for a buyer if a SUA proxy has been configured.
BSCB405 Web services cannot be disabled via the Buyer Update API.  Please contact your implementation resource.
BSCB406 Processor fields input are not valid for a bank which is not enabled for processor integration.
BSCB407 The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer.
BSCB408 The Template ID you provided is invalid.
BSCB409 Can't update company profile from Card Management.
BSCB410 Disabling an auth control for already enabled buyer with accounts enabled for VPC present is not allowed.
BSCB411 The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer.
BSCB412 Account Holder First Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment.
BSCB413 Account Holder Last Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment.
BSCB414 Client ID is invalid in webServicesConfig.
BSCB415 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSCB416 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSCB417 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSCB418 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier.
BSCB419 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier.
BSCB420 Cycle Frequency Code provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB421 Date format is mandatory.
BSCB422 Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSCB423 Client ID should be alphanumeric.
BSCB424 Enter a valid client ID and pass the web services that need to be enabled for the buyer.
BSCB425 Sub Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSCB426 Sub Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters.
BSCB427 Sub Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSCB429 VSM is not able to create the company.  Please contact your Visa Implementation resource.
BSCB439 VCFDataFeedIndicator is invalid
BSCB440 VCFDataFeedIndicator must be set to Y for a VPP enabled buyer
BSCB441 VCFDataFeedIndicator is mandatory
BSCB442 VCFDataFeedIndicator set to N for a VPP enabled buyer in all the other systems
BSCB443 Processor config fields are required for this buyer.
BSCB444 The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system.
BSCB445 Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionType field.
BSCB446 The value provided for dataSubscriptionType is invalid. Only allowed values are [5001,5003,5004,5005].
BSCB447 Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionAccountType field.
BSCB448 The value provided for dataSubscriptionAccountType is invalid. Only allowed values are [FUNA, VIPT, VPPT, MEMO, NVPA].
BSCB449 The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system.
BSCB450 DataSubscriptionType provided is not enabled for the VBDSClientID at the bank level.
BSCB451 The SubscriptionAccountType and DataSubscriptionType are not enabled at the Bank for the VBDSClientID provided.
BSCB452 Company creation failed at the integration system. Please try again later.
BSCB454 Failed to retrieve company details from the integration system. Please try again later.

Update Buyer

Error Code Error Description
BSUB001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSUB002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSUB003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSUB004 Message ID is mandatory.
BSUB005 Message ID should be unique.
BSUB006 Client ID is invalid.
BSUB007 You do not have permission to update a buyer.
BSUB101 One or more Workflow Function Codes passed in the Approval Workflow Function Codes field are invalid.
BSUB102 Workflow Function Codes must not be provided if Workflow Config Enabled is set to false.
BSUB103 Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be removed when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true.
BSUB104 Approval Workflow Function Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile is set to true.
BSUB105 Auth Controls must be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB106 Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo accounts or VANs.
BSUB107 Auth Controls are mandatory if the auth control is mandated for the associated bank.
BSUB108 Auth Controls configuration cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB109 Issuer Holding BID is mandatory if Auth Controls is enabled.
BSUB110 Issuer Holding BID must not be provided if Auth Controls are disabled.
BSUB111 Issuer Holding BID must be 8 digits.
BSUB112 Auth Controls must be enabled before Auth Control Alerts is enabled.
BSUB113 Auth Controls Alerts must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB114 Boost payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB115 Boost Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB116 Card Masking Digits Online must be between 4 and 12.
BSUB117 Card Masking Digits must be between 4 and 12.
BSUB118 The Online Payment Instruction functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled  for the buyer.
BSUB119 The Online Payment Requisition functionality needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB120 The Full Account Number View option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB121 The Pseudo Commercial Account option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB122 Auth Controls must be enabled for a buyer enabled for Pseudo Commercial Account.
BSUB123 Pseudo Commercial Account cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB124 Phone1 is invalid.
BSUB125 Email Address is invalid.
BSUB126 Email address cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB127 The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSUB128 The EDI 820 inbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSUB129 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSUB130 COMM File ID for an EDI 997 must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSUB131 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSUB132 The EDI 997 outbound COMM file ID does not exist in the system.
BSUB133 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSUB134 COMM File ID for an EDI 824  must only be provided if COMM File ID is provided for the EDI 820 input file.
BSUB135 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSUB136 The EDI 824 outbound COMM file id does not exist in the system.
BSUB137 Payment Expiration Days should be between 1 and 999.
BSUB138 Payment Expiration Buffer Days should be between 1 and 99.
BSUB139 A few of the currencies sent in the Allowable Currencies field is not currently supported in VPA.
BSUB140 Billing Currency cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB141 Allowable Currencies cannot be edited when Sync Buyer profile is ON.
BSUB142 The Billing Currency Code is currently not supported in VPA.
BSUB143 Security Code needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB144 The valid values for the Payment Advice Option fields are C and S.
BSUB145 Default buyer language code is not currently supported in VPA.
BSUB146 The Date Format must be one of the VPA supported date formats.
BSUB147 The Attach Remittance Details File option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB148 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB149 The Supplier Reminder Notification cannot be enabled  if the Suppress Supplier Notification option is enabled.
BSUB150 The Supplier Reminder Notification option needs to be enabled before setting the Reminder Notification Days.
BSUB151 Supplier Reminder Notification Days must be between 1 to 99.
BSUB152 The valid values for the Default Security Field are 1 or 2.
BSUB153 Default Security Questions is mandatory.
BSUB154 Default Security Questions should not be more than 256 characters.
BSUB155 The Default Security Question has invalid characters.
BSUB156 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled before configuring the custom security questions.
BSUB157 Atleast one security question should be provided if Custom Security Question is enabled.
BSUB158 Custom Security Question option cannot be enabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB159 The Custom Security Question option needs to be enabled for the buyer before configuring the custom security questions.
BSUB160 One or more Custom Security Questions are invalid.
BSUB161 Custom Security Question should not be more than 100 characters
BSUB162 One or more of the Custom Security Questions contains invalid characters.
BSUB163 The number of custom security questions should not exceed 3.
BSUB164 Custom Security Questions cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB165 Close account option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSUB166 Processor interaUTion should be enabled in order to enable the close account option.
BSUB167 SUA Hold Days must be between 0 and 999.
BSUB168 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option must be enabled if pseudo and VPP account option is enabled.
BSUB169 SUA Pool Auto Refresh option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB170 SUA buckets needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for a buyer.
BSUB171 Online Payment Reconciliation option needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB172 Adhoc Reconciliation Report needs to be enabled for the bank before it is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB173 Response COMM file id is not found in the system.
BSUB174 Reconciliation Template Name should not be provided if reon comm file is not set for the buyer.
BSUB175 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSUB176 Reconciliation Template name you have provided does not exist.
BSUB177 Reconciliation Template name is mandatory if recon file is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB178 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is mandatory if the Request Virtual Account Reconciliation file is enabled for the buyer.
BSUB179 The Request Virtual Account Reconciliation Template ID is either not supported or is not valid.
BSUB180 The Recon COMM File ID you have provided either is not configured for sending a Request Virtual Account reconciliation file or the ID does not exist.
BSUB181 STP Supplier Payments must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB182 STP Supplier Payments needs to be enabled before enabling the STP remittance notification.
BSUB183 STP Supplier Remittance Notification must be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB184 STP Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB185 STP Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB186 Stripe Payments needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB187 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB188 Stripe Remittance notification needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB189 Stripe Supplier Payments cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB190 Stripe Supplier Remittance notification cannot be disabled when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB191 VAN can be Enabled only when it is enabled for the bank.
BSUB192 Auth Controls option need to be enabled for enabling the TSYS VPP pseudo account.
BSUB193 TSYS VPP or  pseudo account configuration cannot be updated  when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB194 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSUB195 FCS Bank ID should be sent only when VAN is enabled.
BSUB196 FCS Bank ID does not match with the FCS Bank IDs configured for the bank.
BSUB197 FCS Bank ID is mandatory if VAN option is enabled.
BSUB198 VBDS Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSUB199 VBDS Client ID accepts only numeric values.
BSUB200 VBDS Client ID should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSUB201 Client ID is invalid.
BSUB202 Client ID field should not to be provided if web services is not enabled.
BSUB203 A few of the web service codes passed in the API Codes field is invalid.
BSUB204 The web service codes <Code List> are not enabled for the bank.
BSUB205 API Codes field should not to be provided if web services option is not enabled.
BSUB206 API Codes cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB207 Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB208 The Suppress Supplier Notification cannot be enabled if the Supplier Reminder Notification option is enabled.
BSUB209 The Web Services needs to be enabled for the bank before it can be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB210 The Web Services Enabled option cannot be updated when Sync Buyer Profile Option is set to true.
BSUB211 API Codes are mandatory if web services are enabled for the buyer.
BSUB212 Approval workflow function codes are mandatory if approval workflow is enabled for the buyer
BSUB251 Boost Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Boost suppliers associated with it.
BSUB252 Company ID is mandatory.
BSUB253 Company ID has existed.
BSUB254 Buyer ID doesn't exist.
BSUB255 Buyer ID has existed.
BSUB256 Buyer Name is mandatory.
BSUB257 The Buyer Name is invalid.
BSUB258 Buyer Name must be unique in the bank.
BSUB259 Buyer Contact Name is mandatory.
BSUB260 Buyer Contact Name is invalid.
BSUB261 Buyer Contact Name is invalid.
BSUB262 Phone 1 contains invalid characters.
BSUB263 Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB264 Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB265 The extension number for  Phone 1 contains invalid characters.
BSUB266 Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB267 Extension for Phone 1 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB268 Phone 2 is invalid.
BSUB269 Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB270 Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB271 The extension number for  Phone 2 contains invalid characters.
BSUB272 Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB273 Extension for Phone 2 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB274 Phone 3 is invalid.
BSUB275 Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB276 Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB277 The extension number for  Phone 3 contains invalid characters.
BSUB278 Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 10 characters.
BSUB279 Extension for Phone 3 should not be more than 17 characters.
BSUB280 Address Line 1 is mandatory.
BSUB281 Address Line 1 is mandatory.
BSUB282 Email Address is mandatory.
BSUB283 Email Address is invalid.
BSUB284 Email Address is mandatory.
BSUB285 Email Address can't be editable if authorization control and authorization control alert are enabled.
BSUB286 City is mandatory.
BSUB287 City contains invalid characters.
BSUB288 State is mandatory.
BSUB289 State contains invalid characters.
BSUB290 Country Code is mandatory.
BSUB291 Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system.
BSUB293 Country code either is invalid or is not supported by the system.
BSUB294 ZipCode is mandatory.
BSUB295 ZipCode contains invalid characters.
BSUB296 Response file level is required.
BSUB297 Response file level is invalid.
BSUB298 Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B.
BSUB299 The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSUB300 The COMM File ID provided for the response file outbound does not exist in the system.
BSUB301 Response file format is invalid.
BSUB302 Response file format should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB303 Number of Recipient User Ids should not be more than 50.
BSUB304 One or more user ids don't have access to either VPA/Mailbox.
BSUB305 Recipient User IDs should not be sent because Response file does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB306 Unit ID is mandatory field when platform Code is TS1.
BSUB307 Agent number is a mandatory field when platform code is TS1, TS2, or FDR.
BSUB308 Agent Number can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB309 The Agent Number you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB310 Account ID option set is mandatory field when platform code is TS2.
BSUB311 Account ID option can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB312 The Account ID option you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB313 BIN is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB314 The BIN you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB315 Hierarchy Node ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB316 Hierarchy Node ID can have a maximum of 7 characters.
BSUB317 Hierarchy Level is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB318 Hierarchy Level can have a maximum of 2 characters.
BSUB319 Hierarchy Level is invalid.
BSUB320 Process Type Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB321 Process Type Code can have a maximum of 2 characters.
BSUB322 The Process Type Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB323 Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB324 Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters.
BSUB325 Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB326 Payment Card Control Account Number can have a maximum of 16 characters.
BSUB327 User4Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB328 Pricing Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSUB329 Pricing Strategy can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB330 The Pricing Strategy Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB331 Authorization Strategy Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSUB332 Authorization Strategy Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB333 Plastic Code is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSUB334 Plastic Code can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB335 Plastic Code is invalid.
BSUB336 CMID Default Value is a mandatory field when platform code is TS2 or TUK.
BSUB337 CMID Default Value can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB338 ACE Option Set field is mandatory when platform code is TS2 or TUK.
BSUB339 ACE Option Set can have a maximum of 5 characters.
BSUB340 Corporation ID is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS
BSUB341 Corporation ID can have a length of 2 characters.
BSUB342 The Corporation ID you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB343 Principal Number is mandatory field when platform code is FDR.
BSUB344 Principal Number can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB345 The Principal Number you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB346 Map ID is mandatory field when processor type is FDR.
BSUB347 Map ID can have a maximum of 4 characters.
BSUB348 The Cycle Frequency is mandatory field.
BSUB349 The Cycle Frequency Type you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB350 The Cycle Frequency Code is mandatory field.
BSUB351 Company Number is mandatory when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK.
BSUB352 Company Number should be in Numeric.
BSUB353 Company Number should be of 5 when processor type is TS1.
BSUB354 Company Number should be of length 7 when platform code is TS1, TS2, or TUK.
BSUB355 Hold days should be between 0 and 999.
BSUB356 autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token.
BSUB357 autoRefreshEnabled cannot be changed to N if the buyer is either enabled for VPP or VIP token.
BSUB358 SUA buckets should be enabled for the bank in order for the client to enable for a buyer.
BSUB359 Recon File Level is invalid.
BSUB360 Comm file id is mandatory if file level is B.
BSUB361 Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters.
BSUB362 The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSUB363 Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB364 One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid.
BSUB365 The number of user ids should not exceed 50.
BSUB366 Recon file format is invalid.
BSUB367 Recon file format should not be sent because Recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB368 Recon Delivery Frequency is invalid.
BSUB369 Delivery frequency is mandatory if data file delivery has mailbox setup.
BSUB370 Delivery Frequency should not be sent if data file delivery does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB371 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSUB372 Delivery Time is invalid.
BSUB375 RVA Recon File Level is invalid.
BSUB376 Recon File ID can have a maximum of 40 characters.
BSUB377 The Comm file id you have sent in the request does not exist in the system.
BSUB378 Mailbox User IDs should not be sent because virtual recon file does not have mailbox setup.
BSUB379 One or more of user id provided in the Mailbox Recipients field is invalid.
BSUB380 The number of user ids should not exceed 50.
BSUB381 RVA Recon File Format is invalid.
BSUB382 RVA Recon File Format should not be sent if the RVA recon file is not delivered to a mailbox.
BSUB383 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSUB384 Delivery Frequency is invalid.
BSUB387 Delivery Time is invalid.
BSUB388 Delivery Freqency has to be set before setting delivery time.
BSUB390 Delivery Time should not be given when frequency is empty.
BSUB391 Stripe Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active Stripe suppliers associated with it.
BSUB392 Either VISA ADM Option ID or Master Card ADM Option ID needs to be provided if the buyer is enabled for VAN.
BSUB393 ADM Client Id should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSUB394 ADM Client ID is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN.
BSUB395 ADM Client ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSUB396 Processing Type should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSUB397 Processing Type is mandatory for a buyer which is enabled for VAN.
BSUB398 Processing Type allows only numeric value.
BSUB399 STP Payment cannot be disabled for a buyer with active STP suppliers associated with it.
BSUB400 VISA ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSUB401 VISA ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSUB402 Master Card ADM Option ID should not be sent if VAN is not enabled.
BSUB403 Master Card ADM Option ID allows only alpha numeric value.
BSUB404 VAN cannot be disabled for a buyer if a SUA proxy has been configured.
BSUB405 Web services cannot be disabled via the Buyer Update API.  Please contact your implementation resource.
BSUB406 Processor fields input are not valid for a bank which is not enabled for processor integration.
BSUB407 The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer.
BSUB408 The Template ID you provided is invalid.
BSUB409 Can't update company profile from Card Management.
BSUB410 Disabling an auth control for already enabled buyer with accounts enabled for VPC present is not allowed.
BSUB411 The Pseudo Commercial Account option cannot be disabled for a buyer when card accounts are already present for the buyer.
BSUB412 Account Holder First Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment.
BSUB413 Account Holder Last Name should not be sent when buyer is not enabled for STP payment.
BSUB414 Client ID is invalid in webServicesConfig.
BSUB415 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSUB416 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSUB417 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is associated with a payment which is currently in workflow pending status.
BSUB418 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier.
BSUB419 One or more allowable currencies you are trying to remove is used as the default currency for a supplier.
BSUB420 Cycle Frequency Code provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB421 Date format must be mandatory.
BSUB422 Client ID should not be more than 50 characters.
BSUB423 Client ID should be alphanumeric.
BSUB424 Enter a valid client ID and pass the web services that need to be enabled for the buyer.
BSUB425 Sub Product Code is mandatory field when Product Type is VPA and platform code is FIS.
BSUB426 Sub Product Code can have a maximum of 3 characters.
BSUB427 Sub Product Code you have provided in the request is invalid.
BSUB428 Buyer ID is mandatory.
BSUB443 Processor config fields are required for this buyer.
BSUB444 The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system.
BSUB445 Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionType field.
BSUB446 The value provided for dataSubscriptionType is invalid. Only allowed values are [5001,5003,5004,5005].
BSUB447 Duplicate values are not allowed in dataSubscriptionAccountType field.
BSUB448 The value provided for dataSubscriptionAccountType is invalid. Only allowed values are [FUNA, VIPT, VPPT, MEMO, NVPA].
BSUB449 The value of VBDS Client ID is invalid in the input or the system.
BSUB450 DataSubscriptionType provided is not enabled for the VBDSClientID at the bank level.
BSUB451 The SubscriptionAccountType and DataSubscriptionType are not enabled at the Bank for the VBDSClientID provided.
BSUB453 Company update failed at the integration system. Please try again later.

Get Buyer Details

Error Code Error Description
BSGB001 The field <fieldName> is mandatory.
BSGB002 The number of characters in the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The size must be between <MinLength> and <MaxLength>.
BSGB003 The value you have provided for the field <fieldName> does not adhere to the specification. The value for the field <fieldName> is invalid.
BSGB004 Message ID is mandatory.
BSGB005 Message ID should be unique.
BSGB006 Client ID is invalid.
BSGB007 You do not have permission to retrieve a buyer.
BSGB428 Buyer ID is mandatory.
BSGB454 Failed to retrieve company details from the integration system. Please try again later.

Health Check Service

Get Health Check Status

Error Code Error Description
HCS001 Service is Up
HCS002 Service is Down
HCS003 We are unable to determine the system status due to a technical issue
HCS004 Client ID is invalid
HCS005 Service provided is invalid