Visa Faster Payments Gateway

Integrate and transact with faster payments networks efficiently and securely.

available for use by

Issuer Banks

Issuer Banks for Small Business

Regional Availability

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  • N. America
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Europe
  • LAC


Free to use in Sandbox. Contact Visa for pricing and commercial details to use in Production.

Powering the Future: Instant, Secure, and Seamless Payments

Visa Faster Payments Gateway supports both send and receive capabilities for credit transfers and request for return of funds. We set up the digital infrastructure - your participating account holders send and receive payments any time of day, every day, including holidays and weekends.

Seamlessly Send, Receive, and Settle in Seconds

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Single Pipe for Faster Payments Transactions

Visa Faster Payments Gateway integrates with certain faster payments networks, providing a single pipe integration to you.

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Offer new ways to retrieve card data

Existing DPS clients can use their established DPS connectivity to provide seamless transaction processing with minimal integration work. 

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Improve speed to market and save costs on product offerings

Visa Faster Payments Gateway offers a variety of integrated value-added services including settlement and reconciliation services, risk and fraud monitoring services, and more.

Why Use It?

  • To manage faster payments reliably and securely.
  • To build and offer new solutions to your customers.
  • To increase acceptance and drive revenue growth.
APIs Included

Credit Transfer API

Generate a credit origination transaction, and inquire on the status of a previously sent transaction.

Request for Return of Funds API

Retrieve a list of pending request for return messages, and update request for return status.

Instant Payment Network Participant Directory API

Determine if a financial institution is active or inactive on the faster payments network and, if applicable, the faster payments services they are enrolled in.

Ready to start with Visa Faster Payments Gateway?

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